Sunday, May 15, 2011

Your solution to stop smoking | Health Care Tips Health Skin Care ...

Many places claim that they can provide you with the needed tools that can help you stop smoking.This article covers all the measures that you can take to quit smoking successfully.It is important to understand that the process can?t be successful until you make the determination in your mind that you want to quit smoking.Continue reading the tips that follow if you are all set to quit smoking.

A date needs to be fixed

You can keep pushing it off to the next Sunday, but it is often a good idea to make a firm date and settle on it.Thus, you will be compelled to show a certain level of commitment towards the processMark every calendar you own and the one you have at work as well. This will help you remain focused and motivated.During this part of the process, it is usually a good idea to tell your friends and family about the date as well. They?ll be the ones that offer you solid support as you quit.

Begin to Reduce Available Cigarettes

Generally, people don?t succeed with a pack of their preferred brand of cigarettes lying around them while trying to quit smoking.As your quitting date approaches, begin to switch to buying packs.You can go on for a day more liberated from temptation as they are not around to trouble you.This will prove to be an important step to be remembered if you seriously want to identify how to quit smoking.When the big day arrives, toss out your lighters, ashtrays and everything else that reminds you of smoking.Store away anything that you want to retain owing to its emotional attachment.The more you see tempting items, the lower your chances of success are.

Transfer Your Cigarette Breaks to Something Fun

At normal break times, your body would become automatically aware for certain duration.Since even gum won?t curb this problem, take the break, but use your mind instead.At workplace, you can engage yourself in a brief game of solitaire or chess on your PC. Similarly, at home, use this break time to catch up on your favorite songs and have a dance with it.
These will distract you until the craving passes and you?ll be in good shape to press on until the urge goes away.

List out things you like

Your life span decreases due to smoking which would take you far away from the things you love.List out the things you would like to quit smoking for on a piece of paper, and maintain the slip always in your wallet.Maybe it is there to be with your daughter when she gets married. It might be because you care about your health.Keep these things in mind and anytime you have a craving, pull out this list and decide if the cigarette is worth it.

Cinnamon Helps

A valuable tool during this process will be cinnamon flavored items. For some, it might be candy that is flavored and others prefer toothpicks.Maintain a good supply of these when you start quitting to help you succeed, and feel free to pop one in our mouth when you feel the urge to smoke.

It should always be remembered that quitting smoking won?t be easy.This is mentioned not to discourage you, but when you finally do manage to quit, you will have accomplished something many have failed to and can boast about it.

If you need help in order to quit smoking please visit our website stop smoking explained.

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