Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Debt Consolidation ? The Common Questions Asked | Debt ...

If you feel the money you earn is not enough to cover for the full money payment of your credit card balances, or you are just afforded to make the minimum monthly payment, you are facing a financial problem and it will become a debt problem soon if you don?t find a debt relief solution to fix it. The quickest and easiest way to get rid of the financial burden is through debt consolidation.

If you are new to debt consolidation, you might wonder whether it is a right solution for you or how it works to get rid of high interest rate debts and fixes your financial problem. Below are the most common questions asked by people when they are considering debt consolidation.

1. Can I consolidate debt if I am not a homeowner?

No, it is not necessary to secure a consolidation loan with a home. You are able to consolidate debt with unsecured loan at a low interest rate as well. There are many unsecured loans offers in the market. You just need to spend some time to search for the best one. You will be at an advantage edge to secure the best unsecured loan if you have averagely good credit score. But, if you are homeowner, you can pledge your home as collateral to secure a much lower interest rate secured loan to consolidate debt, but at the same time you are putting your home at risk of foreclosure.

2. Can I reduce monthly payment with debt consolidation?

Generally, consolidation loans have comparative low interest rate compare to credit cards and regular loans. So, once you consolidate debt into a consolidation loan that is lower than the existing rate, your monthly payment will be reduced even you maintain the current repayment period. But, with a low interest rate alone may not enough to reduce big portion of monthly payment. If current monthly payment is killing you and you hope debt consolidation will reduce the payment significant enough so that you are more affordable, then you may to take a further step to choose a slightly longer repayment term. The longer the repayment period, the smaller the monthly payment is. So, choose a right repayment term for the consolidation loan so that the repayment amount meets your requirement. However, you have to bare consequences of paying more in total interest if you choose a long repayment period for the consolidation loan.

3. Will debt consolidation stop the phone harassment from creditors?

Yes. In fact, the existing delinquent debts that cause the phone harassment from creditors are paid off with the new consolidation loan. Since your creditors are paid, they won?t call you anymore. After the debt consolidation, you just need to focus on the one loan repayment. You will enjoy a total debt free life once the loan is paid off. Just in case you keep the payment behaviors that led you to a debt problem, the loan lender will start to make harassment calls on you. The future phone harassment can be prevented as long as you make the new loan repayment on time.

4. Can I repair my credit rating with debt consolidation?

Your credit score will be improved after debt consolidation because the problematic debts that damage the credit have been removed. The key factor of making debt consolidation a credit repairing tool is you have to commit to on-time payment every month. The good practices of on-time paying of loan installment will be recorded into your credit report. If you keep up the good habit of practising on-time payments, credit score will be automatically improved.


Many people have similar concerns about debt consolidation. They commonly ask the above questions, and the answers explained in this article will help them make a right decision to determine whether debt consolidation is a right solution for them.

Jennifer L. Todd is a finance expert and author in the debt and finance topics. Check out debt consolidation loan for people with bad credit from Jenifer L. Todd Resources at
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Tagged with: credit card balances, debt, high interest rate

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