Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Improving Table Turnover with Tabbedout ? MenuDrive News

They say the one of the hardest things to improve on in the restaurant industry is being able to improve your table turnover. Now restaurants and bars have a simple solution that can make check-out a lot easier for themselves and the customers. Now there is a new app on the market called Tabbedout. This app gives customers a secure way to pay bar tabs and restaurant bills by using their cell phone. This is great for the restaurant industry, since waiters and waitresses do not have to watse time checking out customers and can focus on giving the best service possible. I feel like this app is great for restaurant goers as well. I know you have all been there, needing to leave or just wanting to get out of there and your server seems to be lost somewhere and is nowhere to be seen. By having this app, you no longer need to wait for the server and can just leave when it is convenient for you. The waits to get seated at a restaurant are also greatly decreased since people can leave when they like, which increases table turnover. I think this is just the start of numerous apps that can really revolutionize the restaurant industry. So whether you are an avid restaurant goer or an owner of a great restaurant chain, apps like this one can help the restaurant business and make your life easier.

Do you own a smartphone and use apps to help with simple tasks? What are some apps you use to help you in the restaurant industry, such as find a restaurant?

Source: http://menudrive.wordpress.com/2011/05/30/improving-table-turnover-with-tabbedout/

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