Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Evolution of Free Online Dating Services Gets Even Better ...

The Evolution of Free Online Dating Services Gets Even Better!

The Evolution of Free Online Dating Services Gets Even Better!

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The Evolution of Free Online Dating Services Gets Even Better!

By: probir das
Posted: Aug 03, 2010

With so many great online dating sites sprouting up like ?wild flowers? in Canada and the USA, there must be some positive benefits for using online dating websites. ?When the internet was first launched, only a handful of people had the knowledge for developing websites and for the average person, hiring a website developer was extremely expensive. ?As a result, websites were mostly owned by the people who had control of this knowledge or by people who had enough money to invest in web development which in-turn resulted in most sites charging fees to access information and service. ? ? ?
Now with technology being so accessible, the North American internet market has penetrated almost every home. ?Where one family could barely afford one computer, homes now have several desk tops and a couple of laptops. ?Canada dating services and dating services in the USA has also evolved from humble beginnings. ?To access their service for meeting local singles or initiating different types of relationships a user had to pay. Now there are many online dating sites that are offering free on-line dating services for users to choose from.
Evolution of the Free Online Dating site has made access to meeting local singles simple and easy, where anyone who has access to an internet service and a computer is able to create a profile and begin connecting with other singles. ?With millions of singles looking for relationships, USA dating services has made huge leaps and bounds in popularity for the average user. ?With a population of 300 hundred million in the United States where most users are extremely sophisticated and computer savvy, individuals are finding that on-line dating sites are a great resource to chat and meet local singles in their area, network, find companionship or love. ?Canada has a much smaller population with approximately 30 million; however, the penetration of the internet in the country is over 95%. ?Canadians are also finding the benefits of online dating with millions of users accessing 100% Free Online Dating sites.
So, with the introduction of online dating paid sites from its humble beginnings where there was less sophistication in-terms of search options, uploading pictures, chat functions; the evolution of meeting singles or connecting with people has dramatically changed. ?No longer are we most likely to marry our high school sweetheart or meet someone local, the introduction of the internet has changed the dating landscape.
Interestingly enough, users fall into three major categories. ?The first group who are aged 50 plus had little to no computer exposure and now are learning to use this new technology to reap the benefits of the rich sources of information available on the net. ?You also see this age group using online dating sites to meet local singles in their area or join social networks.?The second group is the X generation (35 plus) who had computers introduced to them in their high school years and slowly experienced the introduction and impact of the computer and internet through their following years. ?This generation saw computers as a luxury and most people began to get acquainted with computers and their limited available software slowly. Not sure if people remember but before the age of Microsoft Office there was a popular word processing program call WordPerfect that everyone used. ?The X generation who were in their early teens and twenty?s did not have access to Free Online Dating sites and therefore, relationships were developed from their childhood, high school, bars, lounges etc. years.
The new generation or the Y generation is been born into this tech society. ?Computers are ?normal as TV?s were normal to most of us and as this younger generation ages the way they meet and develop relationships is going to be far different from our experiences. ?With Free Online dating sites and social networking services, the younger generation is connected up to their ?ying yang? to develop relationships not only from their neighbourhoods but from across their state or province or country to now having international connections with discussions exchanged immediately.

probir das ? About the Author:

I am writer of . If you want more information about free online dating must visit .



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