Friday, May 20, 2011

How to train your pets to use a dog door and other toys. - Home ...

Training a dog is no easy task. With anything they do, dogs usually consider everything as play which complicates the task of training them even more. When it comes to using a dog door, a dog would rather go run around the yard or lawn than listen and have their owners guide and train them to use it. Other things like a Petsafe barking collar or other accessory can be met with resistance the first time you try it out on your dogs. But with patience and the right attitude, you can train your dog to use a dog door or be accustomed to any other accessory easily. There are techniques you can use to be successful in this endeavor.

Start by familiarizing your dog into whatever new thing you will be introducing him to. Whether it be his own doggie door, a new leash, a Petsafe barking collar or others, you need to accustom your dog first with them before you can teach them to use them properly. Your dogs may at first play around with them, innocently, and not know yet what they are for. A doggie door for example may seem like just some contraption for your dog at first but once you make them realize that they can pass through them in order to play outside, then eventually they will be learning their purpose. Start with an uncovered pet door first. Let them realize that this certain installation is the passage to the ?outside world?.

After you have had them familiarize themselves with their new door or accessory, you can then proceed to present certain complications with regards to their new accessories. With a dog door, you can add a light cover to the door, which your dog can still easily pass through. This can be a cloth or a flap cover for your pet door. You can still guide your dogs and train them to go over the new obstacle that is presented to them. If you are training them with a new leash, you can first start by letting your dogs wear them first and see how they initially react with it. Leashes can sometimes agitate a dog, which is very normal. They will eventually realize that it will just be a new companion for them during their jog or walk sessions.

Another tip to effectively train your dog is to reward whenever they do something good. Treats are the best way to show your appreciation for the efforts that your dog exerts in accustoming itself to his new door or accessory. You can put treats on the other side of the dog door so that they will be encouraged to use them. It is also important to be very patient with your dogs while training them. Have fun while you are at it also. Think of it as an additional opportunity for you to play and bond with your canine friend. Training your dog to use a pet door or any other accessory need not be stressful.

Need more tips in training your pets to use a dog door or any other Petsafe accessory? Visit our web site now and learn easy techniques to make your dog learn and be accustomed to their new accessories.


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