Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Having the Legal Issues of Identity Theft | Sacramento Video Marketing

Folks are prone to stand an improved chance at safeguarding themselves against id theft and get over the financial losses of said crime, but only if they are fully aware the legalities concerning identity theft. Based with this argument, you may deduce that you need to comprehend fully the legalities surrounding id theft.

So how exactly does Identity Theft Happen

Identity theft is initiated when a name thief gets your hands on a number of vv6l89z components of your personal data and uses it to assume your identity are going to be access additional information in regards to you. For instance, a name thief who gets your hands on your name and address will be able to get a fake license and once that person this, the criminal will use it to open new banking accounts through your name and sign up for an ATM or plastic card. Conversely, when the thief has your social security number, he then or she will access your other confidential information like credit history.

The identity thief then makes use of the information that he or she has within you to develop a new identity as well as a new life with your name by:

1. Renting his personal apartment based out of your a favorable credit record standing
2. Getting a new plastic card
3. Getting a new telephone number as well as other utility bills
4. Filing medical claims and insurance
5. Make an application for jobs with your social security number and register for tax refunds

Consequences of Identity Theft

Most victims lately realize that they are identity theft victims until their identity continues to be stolen, their credits ran up, they're denied of insurance or medical claims or worst, get arrested for crimes which they didn't commit. This could sound unnerving and impossible but this really is something is happening nowadays.

When another individual has your identity, they're able to make use of it to commit other types of fraud including:

Loan fraud - loans can be obtained through your name along with the criminal are not financially liable for it, thus your bank will hold you responsible for the repayment from the loan

Credit card scams - id theft criminals could make purchases and funds advances while using plastic card which they applied with your name and they will have your mail intercepted in order that you never find out about the charges that have been produced in your plastic card statement

Bank fraud - with your identity, identity thieves can open checking accounts and you'll be, again, responsible for the checks that'll be written

Employment fraud - most employers do a background check on the potential employees' credit history and police record. When you have a clean slate, the id theft criminal will use the criminals to get yourself a job. This often happens with illegal immigrants who require good paying jobs where they migrated.

Insurance fraud - identity theft criminals also target medical records to be able to file insurance claims as well as other medical benefits.

By and large, victims will not immediately realize that they are identity theft victims until things are far too late.

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Source: http://www.sacramentovideomarketing.com/2011/08/having-the-legal-issues-of-identity-theft/

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