Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hackers gain access to transit police union site (AP)

SAN FRANCISCO ? Hackers on Wednesday again targeted a California transit agency that came under fire last week for turning off cell phone service in its stations to thwart a potential protest.

This time, the hackers gained access to a Bay Area Rapid Transit police union website and posted personal information on more than 100 officers. The officers' home addresses, email addresses and passwords were posted online.

The hacker group Anonymous announced the breach on Twitter and published the address of the website where the officers' information could be found. It did not immediately claim responsibility for the hack as it did when it broke into BART's marketing website last week and released the personal information of more than 2,000 customers.

BART Police Deputy Chief Daniel Hartwig said his office "has been made aware of the breach" and referred inquiries to the BART Police Officers Association.

Union president Jesse Sekhon didn't immediately return a phone call. The union's website was disabled later Wednesday.

The two hacks are in apparent retaliation to BART's cutting wireless communication in its San Francisco stations last week to quell a brewing protest over a police shooting.


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