Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Cooking tips for new cookers--

Cooking Tips, Recipes & Techniques:

Grocery Shopping :Try to shop for staples once a month (i.e. canned goods, pastas, rice, etc), while purchasing fresh ingredients as needed (i.e. fruits, meats, vegetables, etc.?Plan what meals you want to make for the week in advance.? This will help you plan your grocery list better?Keep a constant shopping list in your kitchen, jotting down items when you run low.
Freezing:To save money on food cost, freeze any ingredients you do not use within 1-2 days.? You can microwave to defrost items or thaw them in the refrigerator overnight.Meat and poultry that is partly frozen are easier to cut for soups, stir-fries and?scaloppine.If you have a lot of leftovers, you can store them in the freezer in?labeled and dated containers/ziplock bags.
Fresh and Refrigerated Goods:
Selecting quality produce is crucial to cooking.? A rotten fruit/vegetable is never a tasty thing! When picking fruit, always go with aroma, lack of bruises, and bright in color.To extract the juice from limes and lemons, roll them firmly on a hard surface.??This ?helps extract the water content nestled within the membranes.? Save the peels in a ziplock bag for later usage.? You can add them to water to prevent browning of peeled apples or potatoes, or preserve the rind for flavorings dishes, or household uses such as cleaning tough stains off kitchen counters and freshening up your food disposal.
When selecting melons, smell at the stem end for a sweet aroma? it should yield slightly to pressure.? Berries should also have a fragrant aroma as well and should not be washed until just before use.To keep herbs from wilting, keep them stored in a tall container of water in the fridge.? Trim the stems as you would flowers.
Store mushrooms in a paper bag so they are able to breathe, or else they become slimy and browned by condensation from the plastic bag.When selecting chili peppers, red ones will be sweeter than green because they are more ripe.? The bigger the pepper the less hot it is.? (Kind of like scorpions! Random?
To test the doneness of a hard boiled egg, simply just give it a spin.? If it does not spin and wobbles, it is underdone, when it continues to spin it is ready to eat.? Also to quickly peel hard-boiled eggs, roll the egg lightly until the entire shell is cracked all over.? Peel from the end with the air pocket and remove the shell in a spiral formation.
Dry Goods:If a recipe calls for herbs and spices to be removed before serving, simply put them in a cheesecloth and tie it with a string or if readily available, a wire meshed tea ball.? This will make extracting the herbs easier.Store commonly used dry goods like flour, sugar, grains, legumes and pasta in large half-gallon, wide-mouth, vacuum-sealed containers.? These jars will allow you to easily measure out your ingredients as well as keep the moisture shorten the boiling time for water, start with hot tap water.? This will cut your time by almost half.? Thin pastas such as vermicelli and angel hair will call for a much quicker cooking time than a thicker pasta like fettuccine or penne.

. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Glass wins out over canned or plastic: while it does use more energy to manufacture and recycle, it doesn?t contain the harmful chemicals that plastics and metals have. Be sure to reuse the glass containers over and over again to lessen the carbon footprint.canned produce wins out over frozen.That being said, most cans and many frozen containers are lined with a material containing?BPA. There are brands, though, such as Eden, that are BPA-free.?Paperboard wins out over canned, plastic or frozen options.

How to reduce packaging:Always bring your own reusable grocery bags. For a host of brands,Bring reusable bags and containers for produce and bulk items.Never buy bottled water.Consider powdered mixes rather than liquid drinks or frozen concentrates.Buy meats and cheeses from the deli rather than purchasing them in foam and plastic containers.


How to reuse containers:Use glass jars, such as pasta sauce jars, for food storage. They make a great alternative to plastic containers. They can also be microwaved without leaching toxins into your food.Instead of buying salad dressing containers, mix or make your own and store it in glass jars.Buy in bulk, making sure you use your own bags for transport and glass jars or other reusable containers for storage.?Cooking can be a fantastic hobby for people of all ages. The articles listed below cover cooking hints and tips, including food handling safety, and preparing great meals at home.Although our articles will be of use to anyone seeking information regarding various cooking methods and food types, our primary focus is to provide information regarding kitchen skills and cooking for persons with disabilities and mobility problems, be it cooking for yourself, or preparing meals for seniors, or someone with a disability or health condition.You will also find? information regarding cooking and eating utensils, including products and aids that assist persons with disabilities preparing and cooking food in the kitchen and for ease and independence when dining.?Never be afraid to fail when cooking the first few times.Cooking is an art, and any art always takes a process ad of course, determination. As long as you have the passion for cooking, you can whip your way to culinary heaven and impress anyone with willing taste buds.Tip: When beginning cooking you should choose recipes that are not too complicated. Too difficult recipe steps can sometimes be a little overwhelming for the new cook. Be aware of how many resources you can acquire and how much time you can invest on the cooking process.

15 Basic Cooking Tips To Make Your Life Easier:

There are some basic cooking tips that anyone could learn and use to help out in the kitchen. With todays? busy lifestyles becoming more prevalent, learning and using these basic cooking tips will save you time and headache.


Bacon: Reduce shrinkage by running cold water over it before frying.

Beans: Stop gas attacks by adding a tablespoon of bicarbonate of soda in a big pot of beans while they are soaking.

Boiled Eggs: Add some vinegar or a little salt to the boiling water when boiling eggs. This basic cooking tips will keep the egg in the shell if it cracks.

Ripening Fruits and Vegetables: Put your unripe fruit and vegetables in a brown paper bag and place the bag in a dark cupboard for few day. Using this basic cooking tips is an excellent way to save money on fruits and vegetables that has to be ripened.

Salads: Cut your iceberg lettuce into wedges instead of tearing salad greens to save some time making a salad.

Spaghetti Sauce: Add a small pinch of bicarbonate of soda to your spaghetti sauce to lower the acid taste from the tomatoes.

Corn: Place the corn directly into boiling water, and do not add salt. Do not boil corn for more than three minutes. Overcooking reduces the taste level.

Frozen Vegetables: When they are stuck together, simply run boiling water over them.

Pancakes: Use a small amount of sugar in the batter and they will brown more quickly.

Pie Pastry: Substitute one teaspoon of vinegar for one teaspoon of the cold water called for in the recipe and the pastry will be much flakier.

Quick Sauces: Use condensed cream soups such as cream of mushroom, cream of chicken, cream of tomato, cream of celery, to make fast and easy sauces.

Quick Tenderizer: Use vinegar as a meat tenderizer. Add a tablespoon to water when boiling meat or ribs for stews. This basic cooking tips will help tenderizer even the toughest meat.

Wilted vegetables: Soak wilted veggies in two cups water, one tablespoon vinegar to help bring them back to life.

Wooden Skewers: Soak all your wooden skewers in cold water for twenty minutes to prevent them from burning.

Inspiration could be considered to be one of the key ingredients to writing. Only if one is inspired, can one get to writing on any subject especially like cooking.


?It?s my belief that the best way to become a good cook is to learn these basic cooking techniques.?

Once you learn how to handle these fundamental techniques, you will be able to handle most recipes. Cooking is not just about recipes?.it is about how to take ingredients and make them taste as good as possible.Recipes are great road maps to show us how someone else got there, but one of the joys of cooking is to find your own paths. Knowing these techniques is like taking the car out for a spin in a new location. You?re not sure where you are going to end up, but getting there will be fun.

How to Stir Fry in Your Own Kitchen:

Every week or so I get a craving for Chinese food. There?s something about those crunchy vegetables, tender meats, and incredible flavors that forces me to dig out a menu buried in a kitchen drawer and order from a local restaurant.?The Chinese have a way of manipulating food that I wanted to learn about so I dug out the wok that I inherited when I got married and started reading up and experimenting.The Chinese have a way of manipulating food that I wanted to learn about so I dug out the wok that I inherited when I got married and started reading up and experimenting.?Often I talk about prepping ingredients before you start cooking, but this is a must when doing stir-fry. In fact prepping the ingredients will take longer than the actual cooking. Once you get your pan hot.?Stir-frying will also give you some practice with your cutting skills since each ingredient will be bite size (Have you ever seen a knife in a Chinese restaurant?) and have different cuts. Once prepped, I like to put the ingredients in individual bowls separated by cooking times.The technique is to quickly fry the ingredients in a large pan over high heat while constantly stirring to preserve flavor, color and texture of the food and keep the vegetables crisp. Easy enough.?Other than a few specialty ingredients, you can use whatever you have on hand to make a stir-fry. It?s a great way to clean out the vegetable drawer. Because you?ll be cooking at very high heat, you want to use a high smoking point oil like peanut, safflower, corn, or canola. Some of the specialty ingredients that you should be able to find at your local supermarket are soy sauce, hoisin sauce, and chili sauce. Short or medium grained rice is best for accompanying your stir-fry.

You start by prepping the meat or chicken. Cut the meat into thin bite-size slices and marinate to protect it from overcooking. The marinade can be made with a variety of liquids depending on the flavor you are trying to obtain. Typical marinade ingredients include?chicken stock or?beef stock, soy sauce, hoisin sauce, chili sauce, corn starch, brown sugar, rice wine or dry sherry. Marinate for a least one hour, longer is better.Prepare an aromatic mixture consisting of finely chopped herbs and spices that will add flavor and aroma to the stir-fry. Typical aromatics include garlic, scallions, red pepper flakes, shallots, and chili peppers to name a few. Next prepare your vegetables by cutting them into small pieces and separating according to their cooking times. Slower cooking vegetables like asparagus and green beans will be added before faster cooking vegetables like pea pods and tomatoes. Now you?re ready to stir-fry.

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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Emergency Medicine Opportunity Job and ... - Health Tips and Fitness

As they arrive to the location of ill patient they have to be able to evaluate, recognize, care, and stabilize adult and pediatric patients who might be facing a life-threatening situation.

Emergency Medicine Physician must develop leadership skills, ability to make decisions quickly, be able to prioritize, have excellent communication skills, have a calming presence and enable trust, have physical endurance, mental sharpness, ability to control emotions, to have excellent physical diagnostic skills, develop an attitude of cooperation.
They have to work as a team with nursing and ancillary personnel.

Besides doing clinical duties, Emergency Medicine Physician must participate in working with administration, the medical staff and even communities to help building efficient emergency services. Emergency Medicine Physician may be participating in training the communities about dealing with cardiac arrests or other common acute situations.

Students who are considering becoming an Emergency Medicine Physician must be ready to face very tense situations and be ready to thrive on unexpected ? patient flow and workflow pace is always unpredicted.


Patient flow get very chaotic. Patients handled by emergency physicians might have suffered: abuse situations, heart attacks, traumatic and weapon inflicted injuries, cold, poisonings, sexual assaults, accidents and many others.

Hours of work may vary from 40 to 60 hours a week or more. Part-time positions are also available. Jobs in Emergency Medicine require taking shifts 24/7, 365 days a year. Shifts can be 8, 10, or 12 hours.

To become Emergency Medicine Physician a student must complete 4 years of undergraduate work, 4 years of medical school and 3-4 years of an internship and residency.

Job Outlook in Emergency Medicine.

Job outlook is excellent in Emergency Medicine field and expected to grown faster than the average. There is a shortage of certified Emergency Medicine Physicians nationwide which expected to continue to 2030. Graduating Emergency Medicine residents are not expected to have trouble finding employment.

According to the American College of Emergency Physicians, about 114 million patients come to emergency care departments annually and the number continues to grow.

Other factors that contribute to growing demand in Emergency Medicine are:
? increased emergency room visits due to population growth
? more patients visiting emergency rooms for they provide tests and treatments at the spot that family doctor can not provide
? increase in critically ill and injured patients
? nursing shortages, malpractice costs.

Emergency Medicine graduate can work under contract or being hired at the hospitals, or to be an independent contractor. As a hired salaried employee, an Emergency Medicine Physicians mostly of the time are offered pension plans, retirement plans, life insurance, paid continued education, malpractice insurance.

Salary is based on many factors such as type of practice, geographic location, practice environment and range from 200.000$ to 300.000$ a year.

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Monday, August 29, 2011

Expertise in sports shoes


By : erric su ?? 19 or more times read
Category: Non-site sports shoes (more suitable for use in life)
Running shoes:
Can adapt to the asphalt, gravel and grass, and many other road conditions, training with the Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 running shoes are generally comfortable fit, beautiful and stable, full of moving men and money flowing lines, beautiful female models are lightweight, compact design trends. Usually low to help style.
(1) appearance: large cut on the end of the lateral heel Rocker, exercise to reduce the obstacles, the former charge Rocker a great degree, this design features to promote running; wide forefoot, low side, make the feet free.
(2) Upper: The mesh-based materials (to make it breathable and weight), coupled with high-strength synthetic breathable leather or microfiber materials, and configure a special design and decoration process, to achieve the elegant, refreshing feel. Pay attention to ventilation, light, soft, wear loose comfortable fit yet.
(3) in the end: use shock-absorbing, light-weight MD (MODEL or PHYLEN pregnant dragon collectively) material. Correction: MD is MOULDED short, meaning a combination of EVA molding rubber outsole to provide strong protection for the movement. In charge of the design of curved bottom groove, so that movement can be bent easily. (To meet the market demand and consumer purchasing power, but also using some of the TPR material for running shoes in the end.

(4) Outsole: As the running direction of movement is relatively simple (forward), outer end (big end) to wear and slip resistant carbon rubber made of simple thin one, in order to reduce unnecessary weight, pattern is because of the need to adapt to a variety of road surface, and designed the rolling particles or lumps, and with curved grooves design can effectively achieve the cushioning and stability while improving grip, bend and slip effect.
(5) inside the arch and foot: the inside of the foot arch and other parts of the installation and use of materials and high-density TPU material to reverse the system to prevent excessive movement of the feet turn inward, to avoid movement sprain. And to conditions on the ground with the soles of the feet and heels naturally turn, improve the stability and movement control, the system while enhancing the strength of the effective decomposition of the arch in the bottom pressure.
(6) toe, heel and side: the number of blocks used to improve the strength and protection of the hot melt film reinforcement to provide good stability, durability.
(7) Insole: Moisture absorbent material and the use of damping materials, coupled with ventilation holes design and deodorant antibacterial technology, to provide shock absorption, while breathable perspiration can virtually eliminate the breeding of smell.
(8) Onitsuka Tiger running shoe features: light, soft and elastic; wear-resistant, shock absorption, slip; good air permeability, grip, flex, stability, durability, control both the odor health functions.
Running shoes:
For relatively smooth road conditions, type of fitness exercise jogging smaller, specialized running shoes with the basic material characteristics of the same, but the trend style design simple, clean, and the average weight better than other similar products.
A, shoe last: According to the Chinese people foot, professionally designed shoe last, for all types of people.
B, outsole: choose a style slip rubber, professional running shoes with the same function, but the design is simpler than running shoes, shading generally grooved or ladder-like, can increase the wear-resistant and non-slip effect.
C, in the end: the use of a good shock absorption EVA slice, in order to meet the requirements of movement for comfort. EVA itself has good flexibility, can reduce pressure and vibration.
D, upper: selection of breathable sandwich mesh, and configure the soft, ductile good cow suede leather, space leather, PU leather, microfiber material add elegance to the shoes, casual atmosphere, some models use a highly efficient 3M reflective material, the first step in the night even more students, "light" dynamic.
E, insoles using anti-bacterial, anti-odor technology, combined with earthquake relief material - latex fabric piece and slip surface, reduce the negative pressure on both feet to make wearing more comfortable.
Features: light, appropriate foot, shock absorption, breathable, odor.
Trot (leisure) shoes:
Relatively flat for walking in the road environment, is the movement into the fashion sports shoes, leisure variety. Material characteristics and jogging shoes is no different but the basic style design simple, clean, fashionable, popular, elegant curves, color is more varied, colorful and diverse, tend to indulgent, free, fit with a variety of clothing.

A, Upper: leather and space is usually full leather, PU leather, microfiber material, and possessed the toughness of a soft leather as well. These are the requirements out of comfort, style and sometimes a few large-scale use of soft fabric material and is also part of Laika Bu but its intensity is high and texture of soft, breathable, casual fashion with a rich flavor.

B, high-end shoes in the shoe design is very luxurious, comfortable pair of shoes because the sole or the entire play a decisive role; selected set of shock-absorbing midsole, stable, light and soft as one of the PHYLON (dragon) or EVA material, part of the selection process by softening the TPR material.

C, outsole: high wear-resistant rubber, have shock-absorbing protection to provide a good, strong and wear-resistant and meet the needs of outsole pattern was relatively smooth, granular, blocky, or ladder-like, at the end of design varied and enhance beauty. There are some shoes without PU outsole patch directly or MD bigger bottom.

D, insole: the same process using the antibacterial deodorant, wear, do not worry about foot odor insole.
Features: fashion, fashion, brightly colored variety, light, proper foot, shock absorption, breathable, odor. The overall design varied.
Other non-venue sports shoes
Vulcanized shoes: (canvas shoes or cloth shoes)

Such high quality canvas shoes slip and high wear-resistant rubber. Canvas soft, wear-resistant, breathable, high abrasion outsole with slip rubber at high temperature, high pressure vulcanization molding. Can reach any place in the quiet, non-slip effect. Insole is professionally designed to meet the Chinese people foot, wear comfortable, loose.
Most important feature of this series shoes: You can use the washing machine, advanced anti-odor insole technology, combined with the specially formulated design and production, to be effective sterilization, antibacterial, deodorant, and effective prevention and control athlete's foot, odor, etc. In order to achieve the shock effect, we fit a particular special insole material - latex films, walking, light and comfortable. Cloth shoes colorful, beautiful and stable, clean lines and practical; design approachable, easy to match clothing.
Sandals: (sun shoes, sandals)
Sandals leather upper with space, PU, Pakistan as a main ingredient of cattle, elastic fiber material for lining, in order to achieve a soft fit and light effects, wearing comfortable, cool; sole pattern three-dimensional, showing the rolling block to increase the friction of the gravel road, in the end is relatively soft, sliced or PHYLON made with EVA, free casual style, suitable for late spring and summer sports.
Skateboard shoes:
(1) skateboarding for the emerging street sport, skateboard shoes and also as skateboarding wear outside, can reflect a casual fashion, especially outdoor activities for young people wear. Such shoes, high, medium and low to help style in there.
(2) Since the skateboarding is more intense, so the upper mostly made of high strength anti-fur, in the movement for the wearer's foot feeling and provide excellent impact resistance and stability. Style simple, rugged. Reflect a return to basics casual style.
(3) with the same requirements on the upper, soles but also to strong, generally use the "full rubber", "full-wall" design, which may come into contact with the ground all the parts are made of rubber material, with good grip effects, and in different degrees of thickening of the corner location, making it more resistant, while high-quality materials in the bottom end of the rubber in the whole place, so wear comfortable shoes.
Outdoor shoes:
Combination of urban and rural China to the status of research and development with Chinese characteristics, field shoes, not only motor function with the city, but needs to adapt to a variety of field sports, even in the rugged mountains, but also freely walk. It is out of heavy foreign blindly sense, designed to better reflect the Chinese people's own needs - portable, for field activities. Simple, comfortable, generous style.
Generally high to help the main structure, rugged, tough, and strong protection. Most of the use of anti-fur uppers, oil skins, leather and thick, small mesh for breathability, while a certain waterproof, lining thickened to improve the thermal effects, heel lining around the heel part of the the flexible amorphous material, in order to increase stability, and in the exercise is not easy to deformation; thick soles and lightweight, high-density outsole rubber materials, wear non-slip soles for large granular pattern to improve grip effects and improve the safety factor of field sports. Outdoor shoe, good stability, protection and strong, is climbing, travel and outdoor sports enthusiasts necessary equipment.

Author Resource:- Onitsuka Tiger
Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66
Asics Kayano 17
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Submitted 2011-08-27 03:03:15

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Be Geared Up With Online Bachelor Degree | Articles Mesmerizing

In this present world so as to be in a position to keep up with the Joneses, you will require to be armed with a college degree. Hardly any employers will give you with the prospect to truly prove how capable you are at doing the job while not having a degree; a lot of them just can?t! Thanks to current technology, you have the opportunity to earn a degree through various online bachelor degree programs.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

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Border town struggles to recover from gun scandal (AP)

COLUMBUS, N.M. ? Federal prosecutors have all but wrapped up their prosecution of a Mexican gun smuggling ring that snared the mayor, police chief and a trustee of this quiet, dusty border town where chile field workers and refugees from different sides of Mexico's violent drug war apparently coexist peacefully and without fear.

But the new mayor says resolution of the case is little consolation for Columbus. The town was defrocked, losing its reputation and sense of trust, and was brought to the brink of financial ruin by its former leaders now being tried in the conspiracy.

And that "is just the tip of the iceberg," said Nicole Lawson, a former city employee and losing mayoral candidate who was appointed to take the reins after Mayor Eddie Espinoza, former village trustee Blas Gutierrez and police chief Angelo Vega were accused of helping smuggle more than 200 guns into Mexico.

The now jailed officials also left the town's record-keeping in shambles. The police department has been shuttered to save money, and Lawson said has no idea how many guns, protective vests and computers are missing. Water and sewer service continues only because a laid off city worker volunteered her time to keep grant funding on track. Recreation activities were shut down for most of the summer. Most of the city's remaining 15 workers have had their hours cut and benefits eliminated.

And Lawson herself ? who is also one of three city EMTs on call seven days a week ? says she is putting in about 100 hours a week in hopes of saving the city from bankruptcy.

"It's horrific. These people not only had their trust violated by the people that were supposed to be serving and protecting them, but they have lost their income entirely or their ability to seek medical treatment.

"They have fallen through the cracks," she said, and yet some are still working.

The town's previous claim to fame was a 1916 raid by Pancho Villa. Neither hard financial times nor charges of official misconduct are new for Columbus, population about 1,800, which is made up of mostly small, one-story houses laid out on a grid in the flatlands of the Chihuahua desert with views of mountain ranges on all four sides.

Former mayor and Martha's Inn owner Martha Skinner says she had just finished cleaning things up from her predecessor ? who was caught embezzling ? when Espinoza defeated her in 2006.

"I just don't want to know anymore. I can't stand it," Skinner said.

But this case was particularly shocking because the charges went well beyond the traditional forms of municipal chicanery like embezzlement to running guns across the border into violence-plagued Mexico.

"I was surprised, by the reasons" they were arrested, said Martha Rodriguez, who owns Hacienda de Villa, the other inn in town. "I think it was a blow ? the abuse of power. I am Mexican, and when you see a Mexican revert to the same thing that is going on there, it's shocking. You want it to be getting better."

Indeed nearly everyone in this town ? which is about 90 percent Hispanic ? has some ties to its cross-border neighbor of Palomas, Mexico, where kidnappings, beheadings and other forms of drug-gang violence occurred.

So far, however, the border has been an invisible line that violence hasn't crossed.

Javier Lozano, a former Mexican police comandante in Palomas with a self-acknowledged list of enemies, is now more safely established as Columbus' elected municipal judge. He also helps his wife, Skinner, run the bed and breakfast that never locks it doors. He said he still crosses over to Palomas, but must exercise caution.

A few blocks away, a man that Lozano said had to flee Mexico and his extensive Mexican real estate holdings quietly goes about the business of serving food at his restaurant. Lozano said that it would likely be fatal if the restaurateur tried to return the three miles to Palomas.

On the U.S. side, however, Lawson can't even remember the last homicide. There hasn't been one since she arrived in 2002. There have been a few burglaries, she said, and parked cars have been shot at.

So shuttering the three-officer police force was probably one of the easier decisions Lawson has made. The county sheriff already patrolled on the perimeters and Border Patrol vehicles are more prevalent on town streets than people.

Columbus has many challenges ahead, Lawson said.

The town is essentially creating new financial books for the past few years. Debts mount and bankruptcy is close. Granting agencies are demanding repayment for fraudulent billings, including one for $24,000 and one for $26,000.

"Right now we are only looking at one week at a time," she said. "Today, we've got about $42,000."

Which might sound good, but the town's insurance payment of $85,000 for the fiscal year that started two months ago is due.

"If you could have messed it up, it looks like we did," she said. "Every time we get something squared away, we find a few other things."

For instance, she said, the town recently discovered that its gross receipts tax had not been collected or paid properly for a number of years.

"So we turned ourselves in," she said. "Hopefully we will be forgiven the fines and penalties for that."

Meantime, the gun smuggling case against the former town officials is nearing an end. Suspended police chief Vegas last week changed his plea on conspiracy smuggling and public corruption charges to guilty, the last of three town officials to plead guilty in the case that has now seen all but two of 14 defendants admit being involved in the plot.

The indictment didn't say who specifically on the other side of the border received the guns, only that they were crossing into Mexico with a ready market among drug cartels. Vega faces up to 35 years in prison, Espinosa faces 68 years and Gutierrez could be sentenced to almost 300 years.

Lawson voted for and worked for Espinoza and said she's not sure how it all went so wrong

"He just started making all the wrong choices I guess. I believed in him. The man had great potential," said Lawson, who was appointed by the town trustees to fill Espinoza's term. "He could have been the best mayor."


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Saturday, August 27, 2011

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Friday, August 26, 2011

David Arquette may be heading to "Dancing with the Stars" (Reuters)

LOS ANGELES ( ? The next season of "Dancing With the Stars" just got a lot more interesting, if TMZ is to be believed.

According to the site, the "Scream 4" star has signed on for the next run of "DWTS," which kicks off on September 19. Arquette will supposedly be paired up with professional hoofer Kym Johnson, and was reportedly spotted at the show's rehearsal studio on Thursday.

ABC would not confirm Arquette's participation on the series; a show rep would only say that "we will unveil the official cast this coming Monday live on ABC during 'Bachelor Pad.'" Arquette's publicist also offered no comment.

Since separating from his wife Courteney Cox last year, Arquette has busied himself with the odd acting and producing gig -- and, on occasion, the really odd personal outburst, such as a bizarre call-in interview with Howard Stern, during which he provided entirely too much information about the end of his marriage and the current state of his love life.


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Thursday, August 25, 2011

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As you devour this piece, remember that the remainder of it contains useful info related to percentage bankruptcy medical expenses and in some shape related to filing medical bankruptcy debtors,free public records search, david ramsey ornew bankruptcy law requires hurricane katrina victims to pay for your reading pleasure.

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Medical bills can total up to a giant amount of cash and if you suddenly become jobless then you could be incapable of finding the cash to repay unexpected medical bills.In many countries, many of those who have gone bankrupt have done so solely due to hospital bills. Before rushing into insolvency, you might want to think about taking on the aid of a debt control company and looking into other solutions, which are less severe.

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Chemists discover most naturally variable protein in dental plaque bacterium

ScienceDaily (Aug. 22, 2011) ? Two UC San Diego chemists have discovered the most naturally variable protein known to date in a bacterium that is a key player in the formation of dental plaque.

The chemists, who announced their discovery in this week's early online edition of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, say they believe the extreme variability of the protein they discovered in the bacterium Treponema denticola evolved to adhere to the hundreds of different kinds of other bacteria that inhabit people's mouths. They call the protein they discovered "Treponema variable protein," or TvpA for short, and estimate that it is a million to a billion times more variable than the proteins that play a primary role in vertebrate immune systems -- the only other known natural system for massive protein variation.

"In Treponema denticola, we found a protein we call TvpA, that varies considerably more than proteins of the immune system and, to our knowledge, this protein is the most variable natural protein described to date," said Partho Ghosh, a professor of chemistry and biochemistry at UC San Diego who headed the research effort. "We don't know what it does in this bacterium, but our hypothesis is that it enables it to adhere to the biofilm, commonly known as dental plaque, that exists in people's mouths."

Ghosh explained that dental plaque varies from person-to-person in the kinds of bacteria that adhere to the teeth to form this biofilm. Because plaque grows in a sequential way and because T. denticola is one of the last key players in the formation of plaque, Ghosh said the bacterium has no idea what kinds of other bacteria will be present to adhere to.

"We suspect that by varying TvpA, T. denticola is able to find a TvpA variant that is able to adhere to whichever bacterium is already present in the biofilm," Ghosh said.

Ghosh and Johanne Le Coq, a postdoctoral fellow in his laboratory now working at the Spanish National Cancer Center in Madrid, determined the structure of their newly discovered protein and its extreme variability using a powerful X-ray "microscope" at the Advanced Photon Source at the Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago. Their research project was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, National Cancer Institute, National Institute of General Medical Science and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted (with editorial adaptations by ScienceDaily staff) from materials provided by University of California - San Diego. The original article was written by Kim McDonald.

Journal Reference:

  1. Johanne Le Coq and Partho Ghosh. Conservation of the C-type lectin fold for massive sequence variation in a Treponema diversity-generating retroelement. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, August 22, 2011 DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1105613108

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Square app update lets iOS users buy cookies on credit, sans signature

Heads up, card swipers, because Square has just issued an update to its iOS credit card app. Version 2.1 brings enhanced transaction speeds and a streamlined tipping interface to iPhone and iPad users, along with added support for $0.00 price points. Plus, any purchases below $25 will no longer require a signature, meaning you can safely buy that latte while keeping human interaction to a bare minimum. If you're interested in making the jump, hit up the source link below.

[Thanks, Chris]

Square app update lets iOS users buy cookies on credit, sans signature originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 12:34:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Mike Ragogna: Seeds We Sow: Chatting with Lindsey Buckingham Plus Robert Earl Keen and Rose Hill Drive's Video Premiere


A Conversation with Lindsey Buckingham

Mike Ragogna: Lindsey, how are you?

Lindsey Buckingham: Good. How are you?

MR: I'm doing fine. It's an honor to speak to you, sir.

LB: Well, thank you. I appreciate that.

MR: I've been a fan since your first solo album, Law And Order. Of course, I loved the Fleetwood Mac material, but I've really enjoyed all of your solo material as well.

LB: Well, that's nice to hear. We do our best, what can I say?

MR: Lindsey, you're on your sixth solo album now, Seeds We Sow. No surprise, you produced, mixed, and performed virtually every note. Oh, and you wrote almost all the songs.

LB: Well, pretty much. There's a Rolling Stones cover at the end, "She Smiled Sweetly," and I co-wrote one of the songs, "Stars Are Crazy." My road band is also playing on one of the songs, but yes, for all intents and purposes, I did. I must have control issues, yes?

MR: (laughs) Nah, you're just ?ber-creative. "Stars Are Crazy" is one of my favorite tracks on this new album. Who co-wrote that with you?

LB: A gal from San Jose named, Lisa Dewey.

MR: Very nice. And which song is the band on?

LB: "That's The Way That Love Goes."

MR: I especially love that song's line, "That's the way love goes, it goes.

LB: Yes, exactly. (laughs)

MR: Lindsey, why is it that "it goes, it goes" like all the time? What is it about love and all that? Why can't folks just get that stuff straight?

LB: Well the thing is, I have gotten it straight finally--it just took me a while. You know, all of those years in Fleetwood Mac were very exciting, and creatively satisfying much of the time--not all of the time, but much of the time. Personally, they left a little to be desired. There was a lot of dysfunction within the band. I don't think that having two couples that had broken up and were working together without ever really having a chance to come to any closure... I don't think that was a very healthy situation, though it was certainly part of the whole package that people were interested in, and it kind of brought out the voyeur in everybody, but it wasn't always the most fun for us. I did see, during those decades, a lot of people I knew who were parents at that time and were not really there for their kids or their spouses and were doing what they thought they had to do to be rock 'n' rollers.

I wasn't going to be one of those guys, so I waited. I didn't jump into the family scene like that, and I was just lucky enough to meet someone relatively late who I fell in love with and who fell in love with me. I actually have three beautiful kids now. So, the loving is there, and it's evolving. It was just one of those lucky things for me. I feel blessed that I didn't jump in before I was ready, and I feel even more blessed that it was something that happened for me at a time when the odds of it ever happening were not that great. That's not to say that you don't write about things that are bothering you in the moment. I think one of the themes on the record is that you have to make a choice, and you have to have faith that things are going to sort of work out alright. The love is actually not gone--it finally showed up--that was the beauty.

MR: Nicely put, very happy for you. I want to hear what you have to say about "Illumination." My personal interpretation is that it's about coming out of the fog, you know?

LB: Well it is, it is. It's somehow evolving into a place where you can see things clearly. You can look at choices we make as individuals, if you look at the state of the world or the state of America right now. But that's just a word, it really comes down to the decisions we make and the choices we make as individuals that define who we are--the sum total of those choices. Then, who we are as a people, or as a world, is the sum total of all of those put together. So, hopefully, we're poised for some new clarity fairly soon, I would hope.

MR: Let's get to your first single, "In Our Own Time." Again, it seems like it's about relationships in the way we've been talking about them. Wait, sidebar here... I feel like a lot of people now take for granted what you've contributed to popular music through your body of works, experimenting and playing. Your guitar work on this song, for example, harkens back to your live version of "Big Love," where this amazing speed meets emotion thing occurs. With "In Our Own Time," if you close your eyes and forget about the musicianship, you easily could dismiss it as a loop, especially since we're being bombarded with them on pop radio and everyone's using them live lately. I mean, you were playing parts in that style for years, but where's your cred, Lindsay? Makes me wanna holla.

LB: The thing that's been nice for me for years is that I've had this mainstream thing with Fleetwood Mac, and that sort of feeds the financial side of things. The solo work has never been anything more than looking at the more esoteric side of what I do--the left side of the palette, the risk taking side of things, and really the side of things that helps you to grow as an artist, take chances, and keep your idealism intact. You know, some of those things were certainly there years ago, and are still there, so it's nice to have both, I have to say.

MR: Okay, the song, "When She Comes Down." One of my favorite folk songs is "Wild Mountain Time," and I love how you have a little nod to that in the chorus.

LB: Yes, exactly.

MR: Obviously you have a love of folk, in addition to a love of all kinds of music.

LB: Well, I started playing very young, when my older brother started bringing home Elvis Presley records. Of course, when the initial wave of rock 'n' roll started to peter out, and we started to see all the little Fabian's show up, that's when I got interested in folk music. That kind of kept me going for a while until The Beatles showed up, you know?

MR: And you had a friendship with the late John Stewart, one of my favorite singer-songwriters.

LB: Yes, I did. I loved The Kingston Trio, I was a big fan of John's as a solo artist.

MR: And you worked with him a on a couple albums. How did that come about?

LB: He actually sought me out because back in the late '70s, I had mentioned what a fan of his when I was in print a few times, so he sought me out and I worked on some of his records at that point. Yeah, we kept in touch over the years.

MR: I've been talking to a lot of jazz artists, and I've been asking them, "Do you miss Miles?" So, I guess it's fair to ask you, do you miss John?

LB: Well, sure I do. We had kind of lost track over the last ten or fifteen years. He moved back up to Northern California, and I'd only seen him a few times. But I miss the spirit of what he was about, absolutely.

MR: That's beautiful. Getting back to Seeds We Sow, the song, "One Take" seems to focus on a particularly bad boy.

LB: Well, again, it's just about people who have perhaps lost their perspective about how they're impacting the world because all they care about is feeding their own ego, or what they think they need. There's a kind of mass hypnosis that a certain faction of the country has fallen into--certainly Wall Street. The corporate world, in general, has become so powerful, and to some degree, has displaced governmental power in a way that is unprecedented. Again, I think these are all good people who have just kind of lost their perspective on things a little bit. It's just a little slice of some people that we all might know somewhere.

MR: Now, this album is released on your own label, right?

LB: Yes.

MR: So, you are in the same boat as many of the kids that are coming out with new projects. How are you approaching this?

LB: Call me back in six or eight months, and I might have more perspective for you--the album doesn't really come out until September. We did take it deal had run out with Warner Bros. It's ironic, to some degree, that I'm putting it out myself. I'm excited about it, and I think it's a breath of fresh air. Even if you hearken back to years previous, with Warner Bros. in particular--just taking Warner Bros. as an example of a large label--there have been any number of wonderful people that I have a high regard for that have floated through that company over the years, from Mo Ostin on. Warner Bros., though, never really interfaced with me in a constructive way with the solo work, and I think the reason for that was because they kept thinking, "Well, let's get back to what's really important here," which to them was Fleetwood Mac, obviously. So, even at a time when the model of the large company was not broken, as it is today, and wasn't so dominated by the bottom line mentality that exists today, it was hard.

A friend of mine is over there now, and you think, "Well, this is a guy that I've known for close to twenty years," and you would have thought that he would have found a place for me over at the label. But he did not feel that he had the power to do that--he started talking to me about the amount of money that he had to make every quarter, and I'm going, "Okay, whatever." Again, that's its own kind of mass hypnosis. It's not his fault, it's just the way things have gotten. If you backtrack to the fact that they never really got my solo work to begin with, and it's just that much more difficult with large labels or small labels today. I talked to (someone at) Glassnote, and he loved the album, but he's got these kids working on his staff--kids by my standards--and it wasn't that they didn't like the music, but they just didn't know. You know, there's a demographic consideration. It's symptomatic of what seems to be wrong with the business, and so Irving Azoff and I sat down and we said, "Screw it. Let's just put it out ourselves and see what happens." It will be exciting to see how that works.

MR: With the bigger labels, it's alleged good business sense to just sign new artists because you get them on the cheap, they don't have contracts for years with their royalty rates that have gone up, etc. While we're on that subject, what advice do you have for new artists these days?

LB: Oh boy, if I only knew. I don't have any particular insight into any marketing advice or strategies at all, other than in the same way there were a ton of independent labels in the '50s and early '60s, which all went away at some point, now you've got the internet, so that does level the playing field a little bit, and it gives people the opportunity to be heard on their own terms. Because of that I would say, as a new artists, I guess it's one thing to have a clever marketing idea, but I think it's most important to find something you can call your own.

MR: I have one last question for you about one of the songs on the album, "End Of Time." I love the line, "When they finally come to bury us, maybe then we'll tell the truth."

LB: Yeah. (laughs)

MR: That's great. What growth have you seen from your first solo album to this album?

LB: Well, I think that you have to look at what my life was like back then--that was like '81. Probably, I never would have made a solo album at all, had there not been a certain political backlash to the making of the Tusk album. Now, I don't know if you know any of the story behind the Tusk album, but to me, that was in reaction to this ridiculous Michael Jacksonland we were in, in a post Rumours environment, and being poised to make Rumours 2, and me saying, "That's like the beginning of painting myself into an artistic corner."

There is this axiom in the business: "You run it into the ground and move on," and I was not interested in doing that. If you isolated my songs from Tusk as a first solo album--this is a round about way of answering your question--but what happened was, in the wake of Tusk not selling sixteen million albums, there was some kind of an edict that came down within the band that said, "Well, we're not going to do that anymore," and it kind of left me treading water a little bit as a producer and as a band member because there was this sense that we were going to backtrack into previously known territory, which was a very deliberate and artificial thing to do. So, I think that first solo album, Law And Order, was probably a bit of a reaction to all of that. I think if you look at it, it doesn't really have a center per se--it's more of a variety show--it's way more ironic and tongue-in-cheek in some ways, and it probably reflects to some degree the way that we were conducting our personal lives.

You can kind of see the evolution of moving more and more towards the center, and I think that's one of the things that I've learned over time--you have to look for what's essential, and you have to look for the center. Of course, if you cut to my personal life now--because I did see many of my friends who weren't there for their children during those decades, and I didn't want to be one of those, and I waited long enough to meet someone, fall in love, and have children at a relatively late age--I think that was...maybe it was karmic. But it was also something which grounded my personal life, and it was such a gift that I could appreciate, unlike a lot of people who didn't seem to appreciate their families, or couldn't, at the time they were having them. I think that also reflects back on, not just this album, but the two I did back to back four or five years ago, Under The Skin and Gift Of Screws. This one seems to me to be the most overview of the range that I can seems to bring everything that I'd ever tried to do as a solo artist into a focal point, but I think it's doing it from a real center more so than ever before, and that would be how I sort of track the growth, for sure.

MR: Well, if it matters, this is my favorite solo album from you. And just for the record with Tusk, I think it's in the same category as Joni Mitchell's The Hissing Of Summer Lawns, in that, back in the day, people didn't know what to do with the experimentation that went on with both of those albums. Prince and many others have publicly commented how Joni's album was their favorite, and lately, people have begun to say that Tusk is now their favorite Fleetwood Mac album.

LB: Well yeah, it's mine too. It's hard to be objective about the music, but it's my favorite for what it represented--for the line in the sand that I drew, for the fact that it was, in many ways, the beginning of the way that I still try to think, in terms of prioritizing what's important, you know?

MR: Yeah, I do.

LB: The choices that I've made have not always afforded maximum profit, you know? Sometimes that's driven the band crazy, but that's the trade off. I'm in this place where I really am happy with who I am as an artist and as a person. That's the tricky thing about choices--you don't always know that those choices are good in the moment. Sometimes, it takes the perspective of time when you're making choices that are not universally popular with your peers. (laughs) I don't know, I feel good about those choices, and I think if there was a trade off, it was the trade off that I've been happy to make.

MR: Lindsey, I so appreciate your time. It's an honor to talk with you because you are one of my favorite musicians, writers, you know, all that. (laughs)

LB: Oh, I appreciate it so much, man.

MR: All the best with the new album, and maybe six months from now we'll talk about it again?

LB: Love to, absolutely. Alright, take care.

1. Seeds We Sow
2. In Our Own Time
3. Illumination
4. That's The Way That Love Goes
5. Stars Are Crazy
6. When She Comes Down
7. Rock Away Blind
8. One Take
9. Gone To Far
10. End of Time
11. She Smiled Sweetly

Lindsey's brand new website!

Transcribed by Ryan Gaffney


A Conversation with Robert Earl Keen

Mike Ragogna: Hey Robert Earl Keen, how the heck are ya?

Robert Earl Keen: I'm doing just great, Mike, thank you.

MR: Let's talk about your new album, Ready For Confetti. I think this is your eleventh studio album, correct?

REK: You know, I've lost track. There's a bunch of them out there, but I guess this is the second one in a couple years. So, I can start with that, going back about two years.

MR: I'd love to catch The Huffington Post readers up on your history. Back in 1974, you were pals with Lyle Lovett and you guys made a lot of music together.

REK: Right. We went to Texas A&M University and in between classes and stuff... I had this old house that was kind of near campus, just a couple blocks away really, and there were a lot of students that came through, but one of them was my friend Lyle. He played music and I played music and there were a handful of other guys that used to hang out there, so we all got to be friends. Lyle and I stayed in music and have been friends all this time.

MR: It's nice, because the both of you have bucked traditional country or traditional folk or traditional anything for that matter when it comes to genres of music. Was that the intention or just the natural thing to do?

REK: Well, I always just thought in terms of writing the song and getting the idea across. A lot of my songs are story songs, so the idea would be to get an entire story in a three or four minute song. I never was really too concerned about how it played out on the radio. I wasn't thinking in terms of having some huge music career, I just really like music and I like playing music. I've always enjoyed the stage. As far as trying to follow somebody else's idea of what to do, it wasn't really my style.

MR: I love the title track, especially the part where the guy gets abducted by a UFO but then is freed because he tells the aliens' fortune.

REK: You know, when I write a song, I try to start from some kind of cornerstone of truth, and then I fictionalize it. The first character in the song is a woman I've seen from time to time that dances out there on the corner in any kind of weather--it doesn't matter, she's out there. Just like the song says, "Dancing out there with her earbuds and her cardboard sign." Then, the second verse is based on a character that I knew a long time ago who did claim to be a psychic and also claimed he'd been abducted by a UFO. So, I just crammed that all into the song and then added the commentary about somebody actually having a dialogue with an alien. I thought that was kind of fun.

MR: And the spirit of the song, to me, says ,"Everybody should be ready for confetti, everyday."

REK: Well, you got a new day everyday, unless you're living in the Gulag in Siberia. It's a whole new world. And particularly with as vast and frenzied as the world is today, it's always a surprise. I'm sure this is a universal truth, but you get up everyday and think you've got it figured out and you know what you're going to do, and it just changes on you constantly. I think those few characters that were sort of fringe characters, I thought they would kind of magnify that whole idea that every day is a different day.

MR: I'm torn between "Play A Train Song" and "Show The World" as my favorite song on the record. I love the spirit of that guy who's in "Play A Train Song," who's "a runaway locomotive out of his one-track mind."

REK: I always do some song that I really love, and--just like you--I love that song. But it's not one of my songs. Of the twelve songs on the album, only eleven of them I wrote, and that particular song is by Todd Snider. Todd is a really fantastic songwriter and performer that plays all over the country. I've been friends with him for a long time, and I've been as much of a fan as I've been a friend. When I heard that song, I decided to record it because--just like you--I thought it was a great story. It's just fantastic.

MR: And you juxtapose that with "Paint The Town Beige," where it feels like somebody is finally settling down and appreciating the slower things in life.

REK: Right. That's a song that I wrote a number of years ago. It was on a previous record, and at the time, when I wrote it, I guess I was channeling some older guy. The reason I re-recorded it was because it really reflects my life, more or less, now. What I'd like to say about that is, I've grown into the song. I wrote it some years ago and now I feel like it 100% reflects my life.

MR: I also wanted to ask you about the opening track, "Black Baldy Stallion." What is the story on that one?

REK: I have a real love for the western motif. I love western books, western movies, and I've almost always put some kind of western song on a record. But that wasn't the intention here. I was just kind of sitting around strumming and working on a song. But the upshot of the song is the lover has been away from his true love for years and years. In the middle of the song, it somewhat explains that there must've been some kind of trouble or fight with some of the townspeople where they lived--like in a small village--and that he's been excommunicated for that reason. In the song, he's on his way back from wherever he's been. You just have to assume it's out in the wild, wild west, and he's coming back to this village and he's riding this beautiful horse and has to cross the river to get to the village. In the end, his long lost love is sitting there, in the village, reading the letter that he never was able to deliver as the black baldy stallion rider passes, gleaming in the sun, dripping water from the river. So, he never actually sees her in the end. It's a forlorn, lost love song.

MR: Very cinematic. Now, I do have to ask about your stint in a certain musical called Chippy. (laughs)

REK: Yeah, that was back in the mid '90s. I was friends with a bunch of these guys--artists, singers, and writers from around the Lubbock area, like Joe Ely, and Terry Allen, and Jimmie Dale Gilmore. And even the man who produced Ready For Confetti, Lloyd Mains, was one of the people who played in the band for this play. Anyway, the Allens--Terry and Jo Harvey--wrote this play about a prostitute in West Texas in the '30s. They wanted somebody who looked like kind of a ne'er do well, sad-sacked lawyer, and they picked me. So, I got to be in this play in Philadelphia for, oh, about a month, I think. We were at a playhouse there in Philadelphia and then we took it to Lincoln Center in New York for a week. I didn't have a lot invested in it in that I'm not an actor, so I wasn't worried about that kind of career. But it was the highlight of my life, just to be around so many creative people and getting to act onstage. I remember being backstage, waiting for my turn to walk onstage, and thinking, "You know, I want to remember every second of this because this has been one of the best times I've ever had in my life."

MR: And you didn't catch the acting bug after that?

REK: Not really. I've been in a few oddball movies and things here and there, but I'm not an actor. I'm much more a writer. I certainly enjoy performing onstage, but to me, it's a whole different discipline.

MR: On the other hand, your actor side shines a few more times. Which movies were you in?

REK: I was in this movie called Grand Champion, and it plays on cable every now and then. It's kind of a kid's movie. Somebody described it as "Free Willy with a steer." I had a little bitty part in that, and then I was in this other cowboy horror movie called Blood Trail. I've been in a few things. Acting is fun, you know. It's just something else to do, really.

MR: There's some sort of connection, though. You have so many songs in your catalog that have these cinematic images and stories. Are you at least a bit of a movie buff?

REK: Oh, I love movies. I don't really watch any TV, but I watch movies. I have a pretty big collection and I'm a real fan of different actors and know some of the background on some of their careers. I'd say that's my hobby--it's not a very active hobby, but I certainly love movies.

MR: As a songwriter and artist, are there times when you wish you had written the theme song to some of these movies? Maybe even a movie?

REK: Well, I mean, I can answer that in two parts. One--I definitely think that a lot of my music can fit into different movies, and that happens occasionally. But the other thing--as far as the storylines go--I'm pretty hard on them. I go to movies in the theaters and think, "You know, so many times they get to maybe the last act in the movie and they just let them unravel." I think that's a common failing in movies. They have a good beginning and a good start with some good exposition and some good action going, and then it kind of falls apart. So, the answer is yes, I have felt in the past that I could certainly write better endings than some movies have.

MR: Don'tcha love the tinkering that some parent company does to a director's work after a couple of focus groups get done with it?

REK: I think focus groups hurt art. I'm a believer in the idea that the best art is created by one person. Not that it's not successful and doesn't work a lot of times when several people are involved, but I think, in general, the best art is created by one person, and you don't need a focus group to tell you whether it's good or bad.

MR: By the way, I know two show hosts at KRUU who met and fell in love because of your song "Don't Turn Out The Light." It seems that your songs have been featured in peoples' real-life movies. (laughs)

REK: Right, they definitely have. You know, I get a lot of fan mail from people expressing that they used a certain song at a wedding or that their high school senior graduation song was "The Road Goes On Forever" and that kind of thing. I certainly am a part of a lot of peoples' lives without even knowing what's going on. (laughs)

MR: Oh, since you brought it up, the story of "The Road Goes On Forever" is about the Willy Nelson 4th Of July concert when your car caught on fire, right?

REK: Yeah, it was back in the '70s and I had a date with a girl--I didn't even count it as a date because it was just so haphazard. You're just sitting there kind of being a kid, stabbing your toe in the sand and going "You wanna go to a concert?" and she says "Yeah, sure," and you're totally unprepared and you go out there. It was in the Texas World Speedway, which is near College Station. It was one of those things... back in those days, they put on some kind of festival or something, and nobody'd know if it would work or not. But it was overwhelmingly successful, it truly was like a Woodstock for Texas. There were more people than they could handle, and they didn't have enough room, and everybody was in hardly any clothes at all, and it was about a million degrees outside, and I was hanging out just trying to do the best I could. All of a sudden, the parking lot behind the stage caught on fire and burnt my car up. It was a long ordeal of trying to get it fixed, and within the whole deal, I lost my car and I lost the girl. So, consequently, there's a story on one of the records that pretty much encapsulates that whole experience, and then it turns into the song. "The road goes on forever and the party never ends..."

MR: Robert, what advice would you have for new artists?

REK: My advice is to write and work as much as you can. Work through all your demons as far as lack of confidence and your need to show people stuff--just believe in yourself. And if you're a writer, write as much as you can. If you're a singer, sing as much as you can, and do it every chance you get, because there's a point where if you've become famous or if you've become popular or sought after, that time will never be there again and you won't be able to continue to work on your art. And the art part is really what keeps everything going.

MR: It's difficult as young people try to make it in art these days. With Facebook and Twitter and now Google+, it almost seems like for survival, young artists have to both create a body of work and keep up with social networking to accumulate a fan base at the same time, and I fear that the latter takes away from making the art as good as possible.

REK: Well, it certainly takes away from that. I'm guilty of being a part of all the social media, but it doesn't draw me in because I've been around for a long time and I'm not quite as enthralled with it. But in this day and time--and in this market--I think it is imperative that you're part of those worlds of social media. But that doesn't mean that you can't turn off your computer and sit down with your keyboard or your guitar or your tap shoes or your singing voice and woodshed and get that experience in beyond just talking about it. I guess that's the only real distraction with social media, that a lot of people spend a lot of time talking about stuff that they're not really working on as hard as they would in a perfect world or as much as they would like to. So, you know, we're somewhat distracted as a culture by some of that, and I'm fully guilty myself. However, I do know the value of really digging in and writing good songs and then writing another one. Just because you write a good song doesn't mean you can't turn around and write another one right afterward. You don't have to sit there and pat yourself on the back for a year. You just keep on cranking.

MR: Jim, this interview will be featured on solar-powered KRUU-FM, which is the only solar-powered radio station in the Midwest. But we're also a community-based station, which is interesting because you've based a career on these types of stations.

REK: Yeah, I've never had a real hit, you know? As a matter of fact, many people who know all the words to my songs will come to my show, and they'll bring a friend and their friend has never heard of me whatsoever. And they're going, "How do all these people know all yours songs?" You know, for the most part, it's word of mouth and people liking the records. And obviously they like the records enough to where they learn all the songs. But as far as that goes, the world of community radio has been my home for thirty years. I've been part of community radio all that time, and if it weren't for community radio, I wouldn't have a career. The other world of hit songs and commercial radio really just doesn't even exist for me. It's a real testament to the power of community radio--and I guess we'll see what the power of solar community radio will do for us.

MR: Robert, thank you very much for those kind words.

REK: You bet.

MR: And thank you for visiting us here, all the best of luck with your new album, Ready For Confetti.

REK: Thank you. I think it's really the best one I've ever made, and I get that feeling because although everybody seems to like it, I've noticed with repeated plays--and this is always good for movies or plays or songs or anything--as you get into repeated plays, it sounds better and better to you. I think that's the kind of record we have here.

MR: Well, I'm ready to throw confetti for you regardless. I love this record. Thank you so much.

REK: Thanks a lot, Mike, I appreciate it.

1. Black Baldy Stallion
2. Ready For Confetti
3. I Gotta Go
4. Lay Down My Brother
5. The Road Goes On And On
6. Show The World
7. Waves On The Ocean
8. Top Down
9. Play A Train Song
10. Who Do Man
11. Paint The Town Beige
12. Soul Of Man

Transcribed by Claire Wellin


Rolling Stone named the Boulder, Colorado, group Rose Hill Drive one of their 10 New Artists To Watch in 2007 and Guitarist wrote, "If this doesn't make you want to pick up a Les Paul, you have no soul." After EPs and two full albums, the band returns with this new video for the track "Telepathic."




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