Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Spiritism - A General Summary of the Religion

Spiritism is a philosophy, religion, and a way of life originated in the 19th century by French educator Hypolite Leon Denizard Rivail, Pen name Allan Kardec (1804-1869).? Rivail began using his pen name "Allan Kardec" after his communication with a spirit whom identified itself as "Zefiro".? He decided to continue to use the name Allen Kardec when writing of his Spirit communications.? The Spirit writings were generally written for high school students at that time.? His first published book on Spiritism signed "Allan Kardec" was published April 18, 1857 entitled "The Spirits Book".? The subject was over a thousand answered questions that people had posed to Kardec in recent years.? The book incidentally became the first of the five books that makes up the Spirtist Codification.

There has been some debate on the official religious status of Spiritism.? Various classifications consist of philosophy, a way of life, religion, and a brank of science.? It has been listed in numerous religious data banks as a Christian denomination, specifically of the "Marginal Christian" denomination group, which consists of approximately 1600 denominations such as Spiritualist, Spiritist, and many other Marginal Christian denominations.? Coincidentally, Camille Flammarion (French Astronomer and author) who happened to deliver Kardec's Eulogy when he passed away in Paris March 31, 1869, voiced her opinion on Kardec's classification of his Spiritism invention as "not a religion but a science".?

To understand Spiritism one must first understand Allan Kardec.? It wasn't until he was in his 50's when he discovered his interest in spirits and strange phenomenon.? During the time of his initial interest, there was a large and notable need for assistance in this area, specifically within the United States and France (the vast majority of the people affected by spiritual events were found to be of the "high society" crowd).?

Allan Kardec was not formally trained above the high school level in any area.? He had never attended a college or university.? All of his knowledge was accumulated through self-education and research.? Kardec developed a common sense approach of educating himself within the spirit world and all that it implies.? He took his time and developed questions to ask those who were in the field.? Through his research methods, experiments, and persistence, he became not only well versed in the spiritual world; he became a teacher, and founded a new and popular philosophy, science, way of life and religion.

The principle fundamentals of Spiritism and the Spiritist Doctrine are outlined in Kardec's seminal work, his first of five books written (Spirits Codification) The Spirits Book.? The two fundamentals are (1) The basic foundation of the belief in spirits, the spirit world and (2) The communication between the two worlds (physical and spirit worlds).

Spiritism is based on the Spirits Codification which consists of five books written and published by Allan Kardec (Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail).? These books are as follows:

  • The Spirit's Book (1857): ?This book contains guidelines of various concepts such as God, the Universe, Morals, Man, Society and his culture.? It describes the fundamentals of spirits, their manifestations, and an introduction of the spiritual world itself.
  • The Medium's Book (1861):? The processes, procedures, and concepts dealing with techniques that are used within the spiritual realm.? It deals with spirits on a more specific level, how a medium develops his or her skills, and the difficulties that come with mediumship.
  • The Gospel According to Spiritism (1864):? A selection of passages that specifically show the core fundamentals of Jesus's teachings.? Additionally the book lists a specific passage that acknowledges life throughout the universe ? John 14, 1-3 "The houses in the realm of my father are many".? Kardec interprets this verse as the existence of life on planets other than are own.?
  • Heaven and Hell (1865):? A small library of interviews with spirits of those who have passed on.? These interviews not only supply proof of the communication between the two worlds, but they also are intended to improve one's education of the spirit world.? I t outlines the passage from physical to the spiritual life, angels and devils, and how the soul transforms after death.
  • The Genesis According to Spiritism (1868):? The attempts to make peace between religion and science with the concentration of issues being the evolution of the Earth, premonitions, and miracles.

Writers such as Leon Denis, Arthur Conan Doyle, Camille Flammarion (an Astronomer, author and speaker of Kardec's Eulogy at his funeral) added supplements to Kardec's five books that make up the Spiritist Codification.

The belief in spiritual life is only the initial stage of the Spiritist Doctrine.? The essential stage of evolution is within the spirit world and through a series of incarnations in the physical world.? Life within the physical world in very short term, one's true life is within the spirit world.? When in the spirit world one has the unlimited resources and time to learn and develop.? Once reincarnated the spirit is free and can return back to the physical world to continue the learning process as well.? Five essential principle points of the Spirit Doctrine are as follows:

  1. God exists and has an exact title of, "The Supreme Intelligence and Primary Cause of Everything".
  2. Spirits were created simple and ignorant however, they own the power to slowly perfect themselves.
  3. The natural perfection process referred to in number two is reincarnation.? Through reincarnation one has the limitless opportunity to learn from various situations and gain endless amounts of intellectual and situational expertise.
  4. Spirits can communicate with the physical world and people.? When it comes to the unknown many people may react by responding with fear or anger.?
  5. Numerous planets throughout the universe are populated with intelligent life.? We are unable to see these beings in the same way we are unable to see spirits, they live on a different plane of existence.

Spiritism believes that Jesus is the "greatest moral example" for all mankind.? Jesus came to the people of Earth to walk the path and show mankind how to live by example.? Jesus's teachings (Gospels) are known and practiced by Spiritists however the Gospels are interpreted in a Spiritist's manner.? Some actions and occurrences that occurred in the teachings of Christ are interpreted as nature's law and not achieved by miracles.? The most essential rule within the Spiritist Doctrine is to see that spiritual evolution occurs in a steady and consistent manner.?

The IBGE, Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics calculated that 1.3% of the Brazilian population is Spiritists, which makes Spiritism the third largest religion in Brazil with Catholicism and Evangelical being first and second respectively.? The worldwide Spiritism population is approximately 20 million with the possibility of syncretism making the overall adherents a much greater number.

Source: http://society.ezinemark.com/spiritism-a-general-summary-of-the-religion-18e10bcfd19.html

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