Saturday, September 29, 2012

Australians Surge in Quest to Build Quantum Computer

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Teams based at the University of New South Wales have made advances toward building a quantum computer, which could help tackle a new class of problems.


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Ciara Flaunts Her Strength With One Woman Army

'It represents my strength, it represents where I stand with love, it represents what I want out of life,' Ciara tells MTV News of upcoming fifth album.
By Rob Markman, with reporting by Tami Katzoff

Photo: MTV News


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Friday, September 28, 2012

Maggie Gyllenhaal in 'Won't Back Down' takes on public schools

'Won't Back Down': a?hot-button topic, but too many holes.

By Peter Rainer,?Film critic / September 28, 2012

Maggie Gyllenhaal (r.) and Viola Davis (l.) star in 'Won't Back Down.'

Kerry Hayes/20th Century Fox/AP


?Won?t Back Down? is about two mothers who go up against a failing inner-city school in Pittsburgh, and it opens with the inevitable ?inspired by a true story? preamble. This is supposed to give the movie the patina of being ?more? than a movie, although it?s not clear what ?true story? it?s actually ?inspired? by. The film, directed and co-written by Daniel Barnz, is being positioned as an education-reform version of ?Norma Rae,? except here it?s the unions that get tarred.

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Maggie Gyllenhaal is Jamie Fitzpatrick, a rowdy single mother who works two jobs and is fed up with the way her dyslexic 8-year-old daughter, Malia (Emily Alyn Lind), is being educated. Malia?s iPhone-toting instructor (Nancy Bach), who might as well be wearing a sign reading ?Bad Teacher,? explains to Jamie that union rules prevent her from helping Malia after class. Jamie?s attempts to get her daughter transferred to the class of Good Teacher Nona Alberts (Viola Davis), whose own son is failing in the school where she teaches, are stonewalled by the smirky school principal (Bill Nunn).

In desperation, Jamie spearheads a movement to create a new nonunion charter school by rounding up signatures from parents and teachers. Nona gradually gets with the program and, together with Jamie, rallies the troops for what is, in effect, an enactment of the much-touted ?parent trigger? law.

The failings of the education system in this country, for which there is plenty of blame to go around, are self-evident. ?Won?t Back Down? exploits an outrage that many in the audience experience on a daily basis. But the film?s clarion call, aided by terrific, full-out performances by Gyllenhaal and Davis, is hampered by simplifications and distortions. The film?s heart is certainly in the right place. Not so, always, its head.

This movie manifesto is based on a number of dubious or erroneous claims, starting with the idea that unions prevent teachers from giving their students extra help after class. Or that parent-trigger laws allow teachers to vote for their passage. This latter criticism is more than academic, since the crux of the film is about Jamie and Nona rounding up teachers to do the right thing.

It?s one thing to complain that a movie about, say, time travel, violates reason. But ?Won?t Back Down? (coproduced by Walden Media, also one of the producers of the pro-charter documentary ?Waiting for Superman?) is pushing real-world solutions, and so it needs to be looked at in real-world ways. One doesn?t have to be a barricade-manning union organizer or a board member of the American Federation of Teachers to recognize that the few attempts to enact a parent-trigger law in this country have been misfires, or that charter schools, statistically, do not do an appreciably better job of educating students.

The message of ?Won?t Back Down,? which doesn?t even feature so much as a PTA meeting, is that as concerned parents and citizens we can?t wait to figure this education mess out. We?ve got to start someplace. Students must be served first. The movie pays lip service to the countrywide ?pandemic of union busting,? to quote the film?s teachers union honcho (Ned Eisenberg), but there?s a dutiful quality to these pro-union interludes, as if they were in the movie to guarantee equal time. Holly Hunter, as another union executive, sympathizes with Jamie; her regretful eyes express nostalgia for a better time. Even Jamie?s ukelele-strumming Pied Piper-like teacher boyfriend (Oscar Isaac), a union stalwart, eventually sees the light.

Hollywood has never been the best arena to hash out policy debates. But social-issue movies can have real societal impact. That?s why ?Won?t Back Down,? which presses a lot of hot buttons, deserves to be taken seriously, and criticized seriously, on its own terms. Grade: B- (Rated PG for thematic elements and language.)


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Noda vows no compromise as Japan, China dig in on islands row

NEW YORK/BEIJING (Reuters) - Japan will not compromise on the islands at the heart of a dispute with China as Tokyo already has sovereignty over them, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda said on Wednesday after China's foreign minister angrily declared the islets were "sacred territory."

"As for the Senkakus, they are an inherent part of our territory in light of history and also under international law," Noda said of the rocky islets China claims as the Diaoyu Islands in a bitter spat between Asia's two biggest economies.

"There are no territorial issues as such. Therefore, there cannot be any compromise that represents a retreat from this position," he told a news conference in New York after attending the U.N. General Assembly.

Earlier on Wednesday, Chinese state media said China had claimed the uninhabited and remote islands in the East China Sea as its "sacred territory since ancient times" in talks between the two countries' foreign ministers in New York.

Sino-Japanese relations have deteriorated sharply since Japan bought the islands from their private owner, hurting bilateral trade ties and tourism while sparking protests across China.

In hour-long talks on the sidelines of the United Nations on Tuesday night, Japanese Foreign Minister Koichiro Gemba urged China to exercise restraint over the dispute. Japanese diplomats described the meeting as "tense," as Gemba endured a stern lecture from Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi.

Noda noted that Taiwan also claimed the islands - believed to be located in waters rich in natural gas deposits - which Japan has administered since 1895. He said Tokyo would handle the dispute carefully to protect relations with its neighbors.

"We will make sure that these cases will not affect adversely our bilateral relationship. We shall maintain reason and try to resolve the issues calmly and make sure there is good communication between us," he added.

Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura told a news conference in Tokyo the two sides had agreed to keep talking.

"There is no magic bullet in foreign diplomacy. We need to hold talks through various channels taking into account of broad perspective," he said.

Noda voiced frustration that he had "repeatedly explained to China our reason for purchasing the islands, but regrettably this has to this day not been accepted by China," and instead led to attacks on Japanese citizens and businesses in China.

"I must say clearly to China that there is no excuse for violence and strongly urge China to protect Japan's citizens and business," Noda said.

Japanese automakers Toyota Motor Corp, Nissan Motor Co Ltd and Suzuki are curtailing production in China as a result of the protests, which have forced the shuttering of dealerships and darkened their sales prospects in the world's top car market.

China's meetings with Japanese diplomats - both at the United Nations and in Beijing - suggest that Beijing does not want the row over the island chain to lead to a rupture in relations, in what has been dubbed the Year of Japan-China Friendship.

However, patrol vessels from Japan and China have been playing a tense game of cat-and-mouse in the waters near the disputed islands, raising concerns that an unintended collision or other incident could escalate into a broader clash.

And the unyielding tone of China's published remarks suggests the dispute is far from over.

"The Japanese move is a gross violation of China's territorial integrity and sovereignty, an outright denial of the outcomes of victory of the world anti-fascist war and a grave challenge to the post-war international order," China's official Xinhua news agency quoted Foreign Minister Yang as saying.


Sino-Japanese ties have long been plagued by China's bitter memories of Japanese military aggression in the 1930s and 40s, as well as its present rivalry over regional resources and influence.

The current row coincides with domestic dynamics that make it hard for either side to retreat. While China undergoes a once-in-a-decade leadership change, Noda's ruling party faces a drubbing in an election expected within months.

The Japanese prime minister is under fire from the main opposition party, which picked former prime minister and security hawk Shinzo Abe as its new leader on Wednesday.

Abe has been most vocal of the candidates in urging Tokyo take a tougher line in territorial disputes with both China and South Korea, but on Wednesday he struck a balanced tone.

"We must show our will to firmly protect our territorial waters and Senkaku amid China's movements," he told a news conference after being elected party chief.

But Abe added: "Even if our national interests clash, we should acknowledge that we need each other and control the situation while thinking things strategically. My stance on this has not changed."

Japan, which says the purchase of the islands was intended to fend off a more provocative bid by the nationalist governor of Tokyo, is trying to keep channels of communication open.

China has postponed a ceremony to mark the 40th anniversary of the resumption of diplomatic ties with Japan, but an official at the Japan-China Economic Association said Toyota Motor Chairman Fujio Cho and Hiromasa Yonekura, chairman of the Japanese business lobby Keidanren, and other representatives of friendship groups, would attend an event on Thursday in Beijing.

(Editing by David Brunnstrom, Gary Crosse)


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What's missing from pro-gay marriage TV ads? Gays

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) ? In one TV ad, a husband and wife talk fondly of a lesbian couple who moved into their neighborhood. In another, a married couple speaks of wanting fair treatment for their lesbian daughter. A third features a pastor talking supportively about gay unions.

Each of these ads ran recently in states with gay marriage issues on the November ballot. What's missing? Gay people speaking for themselves.

Four states are voting on gay marriage this fall, and gay rights groups are pouring tens of millions of dollars into key TV markets in hopes of breaking a 32-state losing streak on the issue. But even as gay people and same-sex relationships gain acceptance through pop culture staples such as "Modern Family" and "Glee," the idea is still seen as dicey by media strategists involved in the ballot campaigns, resulting in ads that usually involve only straight people talking about the issue.

The decision to keep gays in the background has been widely noticed in the gay community and debated on gay-oriented blogs, with some activists complaining that the move contradicts the central message of the gay rights movement for a number of years.

"If we don't show ourselves, people aren't going to get comfortable with who we are," said Wayne Besen, director of Vermont-based gay rights group "Truth Wins Out," one of many that presses gays to live openly with pride in who they are.

But others counsel deference for the complexities of public messaging, pointing out that the ads are designed to speak to the fears and values of the heterosexual majority, whose vote will decide the issue.

"The moderate tough guys we need to flip to win a couple of these races are still the ones who say that gays are gross," said Andy Szekeres, a Denver-based fundraising consultant who has worked on several state campaigns and had access to focus group data. "Pushing people to an uncomfortable place, it's something you can't do in a TV ad," said Szekeres, who is gay.

The definition of marriage is on the ballot this fall in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota and Washington. Beyond those, according to the Human Rights Campaign, 37 states prohibit gay marriage while six and the District of Columbia permit it. Gay activists and their allies are hoping that any wins in November would throw new momentum their way at a time when polls nationwide have shown growing acceptance for gay marriage.

Six of the seven ads broadcast in the contested states this year have featured only straight people talking about the issue. One ad, which played only in Maine, included a firefighter who talked of being accepted by his colleagues. The ads, along with most that ran in the 2008 campaign in California and in other past statewide races, rely on heterosexual family members and friends of gays talking about how the inability to marry has deprived their loved ones of rights and opportunities they should have.

Gay marriage opponents, who also have well-funded campaigns in the four states, plan to begin airing ads soon. In recent interviews, an organizer said the key message is aimed at parents, suggesting legal recognition could result in their kids being told in school and in society that it's OK to be gay.

Gay activists who have worked on the marketing campaigns say that in this battle for public opinion, it's better for gays to stay in the background.

"The simple truth is that we are trying to win over the people that are not yet with us," said Matt McTighe, campaign manager of Mainers United for Marriage, which is pushing the ballot measure to legalize gay marriage in that state. "I'm a gay man, and the general rule of thumb for me is that an ad that meets my emotional needs is not necessarily the thing that's going to change a typical voter's mind about gay or lesbian people."

A May 2011 poll by the Pew Research Center found growing acceptance of gay people on a number of fronts, but still plenty of doubts. Fifty-eight percent of poll respondents said gays should be accepted in society compared to 33 percent who said they shouldn't. More people thought gays raising children was bad for society rather than good, though the largest number of respondents were neutral on the question. The same poll found 45 percent support for gay marriage rights, up from 35 percent just two years earlier.

The first ad broadcast by Minnesotans United for All Families, which is trying to defeat the state's proposed constitutional ban on gay marriage, is aimed at parents. It features Kim and John Canny ? two straight Catholics, Republicans and parents of three daughters from a Minneapolis suburb who discuss coming around to support gay marriage after a lesbian couple with an adopted son moved into their neighborhood.

The lesbian couple is briefly glimpsed in the ad, but not heard from.

Alexander Zachary, a gay man from Minneapolis, complained that the ads he's seen reflect an "antiquated mindset."

"This isn't San Francisco in 1973, where all the gay people live in one neighborhood and all the straight people live everywhere else," he said. "We're not this hidden culture anymore, so why act like it?"

Richard Carlbom, manager of the Minnesota campaign, declined to say if future Minnesota United ads would feature gay people. Upcoming ads will "articulate why gay people want to get married," he said.

Many straight people "are on a journey on this issue, and the most effective way to encourage them is to show them other people who have taken the same journey," and come to accept gay marriage, Carlbom said.

Bil Browning, a Washington, D.C., gay activist and writer, recently called a straights-only ad that ran in Washington state "a heterosexual snoozefest" on his blog. He pointed out that gay activists seem to be using the strategy even though they've yet to win a campaign. In the 32 states where the issue has been on a statewide ballot, gay marriage advocates have lost every time.

"Maybe it's time to reevaluate these strategies and include our families, actual LGBT people," Browning said. "We're never going to win if we can't show our faces. It looks like we have something to hide, and we don't."


Associated Press reporter Rachel La Corte in Olympia, Wash., contributed to this report. Follow Patrick Condon on Twitter:


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Electronics that vanish in the environment or the body

ScienceDaily (Sep. 27, 2012) ? Physicians and environmentalists alike could soon be using a new class of electronic devices: small, robust and high performance, yet also biocompatible and capable of dissolving completely in water -- or in bodily fluids.

Researchers at the University of Illinois, in collaboration with Tufts University and Northwestern University, have demonstrated a new type of biodegradable electronics technology that could introduce new design paradigms for medical implants, environmental monitors and consumer devices.

"We refer to this type of technology as transient electronics," said John A. Rogers, the Lee J. Flory-Founder Professor of Engineering at the U. of I., who led the multidisciplinary research team. "From the earliest days of the electronics industry, a key design goal has been to build devices that last forever -- with completely stable performance. But if you think about the opposite possibility -- devices that are engineered to physically disappear in a controlled and programmed manner -- then other, completely different kinds of application opportunities open up."

Three application areas appear particularly promising. First are medical implants that perform important diagnostic or therapeutic functions for a useful amount of time and then simply dissolve and resorb in the body. Second are environmental monitors, such as wireless sensors that are dispersed after a chemical spill, that degrade over time to eliminate any ecological impact. Third are consumer electronic systems or sub-components that are compostable, to reduce electronic waste streams generated by devices that are frequently upgraded, such as cellphones or other portable devices.

Transient electronic systems harness and extend various techniques that the Rogers' group has developed over the years for making tiny, yet high performance electronic systems out of ultrathin sheets of silicon. In transient applications, the sheets are so thin that they completely dissolve in a few days when immersed in biofluids. Together with soluble conductors and dielectrics, based on magnesium and magnesium oxide, these materials provide a complete palette for a wide range of electronic components, sensors, wireless transmission systems and more.

The team has built transient transistors, diodes, wireless power coils, temperature and strain sensors, photodetectors, solar cells, radio oscillators and antennas, and even simple digital cameras. All of the materials are biocompatible and, because they are extraordinarily thin, they can dissolve in even minute volumes of water.

The researchers encapsulate the devices in silk. The structure of the silk determines its rate of dissolution -- from minutes, to days, weeks or, potentially, years.

"The different applications that we are considering require different operating time frames," Rogers said. "A medical implant that is designed to deal with potential infections from surgical site incisions is only needed for a couple of weeks. But for a consumer electronic device, you'd want it to stick around at least for a year or two. The ability to use materials science to engineer those time frames becomes a critical aspect in design."

Since the group uses silicon, the industry standard material for integrated circuits, they can make highly sophisticated devices in ways that exploit well-established designs by introducing just a few additional tricks in layout, manufacturing and supporting materials. As reported in the Sept. 28 issue of the journal Science, the researchers have already demonstrated several system-level devices, including a fully transient 64-pixel digital camera and an implantable applique designed to monitor and prevent bacterial infection at surgical incisions, successfully demonstrated in rats.

Next, the researchers are further refining these and other devices for specific applications, conducting more animal tests, and working with a semiconductor foundry to explore high-volume manufacturing possibilities.

"It's a new concept, so there are lots of opportunities, many of which we probably have not even identified yet" Rogers said. "We're very excited. These findings open up entirely new areas of application, and associated directions for research in electronics."

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency supported this work. The Tufts University team was led by Fiorenzo Omenetto; the Northwestern University team was led by Youggang Huang. Rogers is affiliated with the departments of materials science and engineering, of chemistry, of mechanical science and engineering, of bioengineering and of electrical and computer engineering, and with the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology and the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory at the U. of I.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Suk-Won Hwang, Hu Tao, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Huanyu Cheng, Jun-Kyul Song, Elliott Rill, Mark A. Brenckle, Bruce Panilaitis, Sang Min Won, Yun-Soung Kim, Young Min Song, Ki Jun Yu, Abid Ameen, Rui Li, Yewang Su, Miaomiao Yang, David L. Kaplan, Mitchell R. Zakin, Marvin J. Slepian, Yonggang Huang, Fiorenzo G. Omenetto, and John A. Rogers. A Physically Transient Form of Silicon Electronics. Science, 2012; 337 (6102): 1640-1644 DOI: 10.1126/science.1226325

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Leasing Assets? Secrets To Effective Lease Financing And Equipment

Canadian Asset Financing

Information on leasing assets in Canada , Why lease financing and equipment loan strategies make sense for Canadian business . Here?s why!

Looking to get ' one up ?when leasing assets in Canada. Whether it's lease financing or a bridge equipment loan of some sort there are some ultra solid strategies that give you the ' secret ' to financing assets properly and effectively .

If your firm is profitable and growing there is always the need to replace assets. Your firm might not be large enough to have a tax manager or an experienced financial accountant but even the regular business owner recognizes that the need to balance an accounting, tax and cash flow operational needs when it comes to new equipment , whether that be shop floor assets , computers, rolling stock, etc.

Given that business (at least to us) seems to move at warp speed these days it?s critical to stay on top of what we can call the ' tech curve '. We're reminded of one of our favorite old lines ?this technology is so leading edge even we don?t quite know what it does ?! That just brings home the point that lease financing is one great way to help you manage that curve.

Employing the right lease strategies allows you to buy the latest and pay for it over time and by employing techniques such as an operating lease, or structuring your transaction to defer payments until benefits from the asset occur... well... we think you get the point.

In many cases solid pricing and approvals can be arranged directly through manufacturer financing plans, In Canada one of the main groups of lessors are what the industry calls ' Captives '. These are internal finance organizations within your manufacturer who are incented to come up with creative and low cost strategies to move product. And with all due respect to credit personnel inside these firms they are very much pressured to provide approvals that make sense given the parent companies need to generate revenues. We can attest to that one as we sat in that chair for about 20 years!

Our above point on approval to your transaction is really another one of our ' Secrets ' to effective equipment loan strategies. That's because the general competitiveness of the leasing industry gives you a greater chance of approval, more so if you find that your Canadian chartered bank won't finance the transaction you need.

It's no hidden secret however that the most common reason for choosing leasing is in effect that whole issue of cash flow and making maximum use of your credit facilities and working capital given the need to balance those with your requirement for new assets .

The ultimate win when it comes to leasing assets is your new found ability to reduce costs and cash outflows while at the same time gaining the benefits from the asset you're acquiring . As the industry itself puts it, ' do you want to own the asset, or on the other hand, get the benefits of using it '? We'll take the latter any day.

Speak to a trusted, credible and experienced Canadian business financing advisor who can assist you with your lease financing needs.


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Minnesota Business Bankruptcy Lawyer

The Washington Blade by dbkingIf you own a business with a partner, then you will need to consider how this bankruptcy will affect the partnership. Under a general business partnership, all partners will be liable for the debts. However, in a limited partnership, the partners have limited liability in regards to the debt. There are a number of complications surrounding business partnership and bankruptcies which is why it is important to sit down with a Minneapolis bankruptcy attorney to discuss your options and what this will mean for not only your business, but also your partnership.

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Filing Bankruptcy Without a Lawyer is Risky Business

In addition to this small financial benefit, some people are private and protective of their personal information. Not having to meet with an attorney and disclose personal and private information to a third party could be seen as a benefit, if you are this type of individual. Finding the right attorney who makes you feel comfortable is an easy remedy for this situation.

David Blackmore Bankruptcy Reprieve for Creditor?

This morning Blackmore was back in court where his lawyers told Associate Judge John Matthews that a formal proposal to repay creditors was nearing completion and would be filed with the court by Wednesday, ahead of a meeting of creditors.

Do You Really Want To File For Bankruptcy?

In a recent report, bankruptcy filings dropped to 12% in 2011. According to Ronald Mann of Columbia Law School, there were 1.35 million Americans who filed for Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The figure is less than the 2010 filings of 1.5 million Americans. According to the same report, Chapter 7 filings went down by 17% while Chapter 13 filings went down by 25%. However, Mann said that there was an increase during the latter part of 2011 which can be reflected in this year?s data. In California, especially in Riverside and San Bernardino counties, the rate there was pegged at one in every 120 California residents but Nevada had the worst rate at 1 in every 88 Nevada residents which is double than the national average. Texas had the lowest rate at 1 in 379 Texas residents.

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Bankruptcy & Business solutions

Nevertheless, it should be kept in mind that when you are already insolvent, no bank will pay you more loans until and unless you do not clear the previous amount of money. If you tend to stop paying your debt then there are ample of chances that you will get notice from the court and many of your possessions may get seized. Therefore, the best option left in such a circumstance is either contacting a bankruptcy law firm or dropping a line directly to a bankruptcy lawyer. Attorneys who are specialized to this specific segment of law know how to tackle even the most complicated bankruptcy case.

The Business Bankruptcy Attorney

The most fundamental rule in hiring business bankruptcy attorneys is to know their services and capabilities, and whether these would meet the company?s requirements. Bankruptcy procedures are extremely complicated. The object of bankruptcy laws is to assist both debtors and creditors in coming to a mutually beneficial agreement. Creditors want to retain debtors as their clients. A bad debt means uncollected receivables and a lost customer. No creditor would like to have uncollectable receivables and to lose a good customer. The company has to hire numerous experts before it can devise an adequate debt management scheme because of the intricate nature of debt settlement. Usually lawyers who specialize in contracts, taxation, corporate finance, or real estate will work with the business bankruptcy lawyer to optimize the debt management scheme. The company should know what assets can be protected before a bankruptcy claim is initiated in court. Should the business fail in this respect, it will be open to lawsuits from creditors without the protection of the court. The purpose of a bankruptcy procedure is to enable a firm to continue operating while paying its debts to its creditors according to a plan that was set up with the approval of the courts. This means that the firm has a plan to pay the debts while continuing to operate. The debt payment plan gives a business adequate room to function while still addressing its debt problem. It is essential that the debt repayment schedule does not affect its ability to meet its business objectives. This will enable the business in distress to devise a schedule of debt repayment that it can pursue while still operating as a business. While this seems to favor debtors, it is in fact beneficial to both debtors and creditors. The law gives the debtor a free hand to set up a debt schedule plan that can be maintained. The responsibility of managing resources efficiently still revolves around the firm that has filed for bankruptcy. The business bankruptcy attorney is just one of the experts a firm needs to become solvent again. The firm also needs other experts in different business fields in order to identify the best options available. When creditors are harassing a firm, filing for bankruptcy may be the only option. The bankruptcy proceedings would give the firm legal protection against any unreasonable claims from the creditors. Business bankruptcy attorneys should be very knowledgeable about state laws on this matter. Therefore, they should be practicing lawyers in the state they reside. Before the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act was passed in 2005, the debtor had an unlimited time to set up a debt repayment schedule. However, once the law was passed, it imposed a limit of 120 days for a debtor to devise a debt payment plan which had to be submitted in court for approval. Therefore, it is imperative that the firm submits a good plan during that time period otherwise its creditors will devise their own plans for debt repayment, which may not be to the liking of the firm. The law gives debtors a chance to formulate their own plans because the debt should not be an insurmountable obstacle that prevents the business from functioning. The new law curbed the loopholes in the old bankruptcy law that enabled a firm to postpone indefinitely the making of a debt payment schedule because the debtor had indefinite time limit to devise such scheme. It also increased the necessity of hiring a bankruptcy lawyer so that he could devise a schedule within the imposed deadline. It imposed greater discipline in debt collection. The Bankruptcy Attorney will definitely help those people if they have filed for bankruptcy so that, the common people do not get over burdened with the debt which will be impossible for them to pay back.Click here for Bankruptcy Attorney If you are looking for the best person to advise you on business liquidity issues and insolvency, the best person to do so is a business bankruptcy attorney.Visit for more details.

Dewey Docket: Free Legal Advice From Former Bankruptcy Head

A common source of recovery in law firm bankruptcies, such claims stem from a California court ruling that essentially said profits from a dissolved law firm?s unfinished legal matters belong to the original firm. Mr. Bienenstock pointed out that Dewey did not dissolve until it sought Chapter 11 protection?at which point it had no legal business of any consequence left for partners to take to their new firms. ?Based on the state of the law in New York, these unfinished business claims are simply not credible.?

In $29 million tax case, Washington Mutual Inc. claims it didn?t do business in Oregon

The bank, with accounting firm KPMG?s help, had set up three real estate investment trusts in 1999. It stuffed the REITs ? known as Marion Street Inc., University Street Inc. and Seneca Street Inc. ? with $17.5 billion in commercial, consumer and multi-family loans and non-residential mortgages, Oregon officials say.

The Pros And Cons Of Filing For Personal Bankruptcy

When you are going through bankruptcy proceedings, it is sure to cause a great deal of stress. Look for a good attorney who can help you through the process. Try not to pick a lawyer based on cost alone. Quality is far more important than expense when it comes to a good bankruptcy attorney. Get referrals from those who have used a bankruptcy lawyer, talk to the bureau for better business, and take advantage of free consultations offered by most lawyers. Try attending a hearing to find out how bankruptcy attorneys handle the situation.

Personal Bankruptcy and Small Business Bankruptcy in Indiana Marked by the Same Common Mistakes

Taking on more debt right before a bankruptcy: ?Taking trips, taking cash advances, or maxing out credit lines before an anticipated bankruptcy can actually be seen as a form of fraud?.?be honest, keep additional debt to a minimum and ensure that any money spent is absolutely necessary,? cautions Eldridge. ? Lawmakers were obviously concerned that debtors might abuse the system, which would not be fair to creditors.? Each situation is different, however, and if buying a car to get to work or paying for medical treatment is the form of new debt, that?s not abuse. The point of bankruptcy in Indiana or anywhere else is to treat all parties as fairly as possible while still providing a safety net.? That?s one of the reasons I always advise not waiting, but talking with an attorney at the first signs of financial trouble. It?s why I offer no-cost and no-obligation consultations.

Las Vegas Bankruptcy Attorneys ? Health, Home and Living

Las Vegas Bankruptcy Attorneys handle every one of the company paperwork and lead the negotiation with all the company creditors to find an amicable solution. You need to find an attorney who will help you through this, supplying you with solutions to your situation while making certain you are able to emerge as a result as fast so when easily as possible. But what many of us forget, if we have hired legal counsel, is the fact that we have to pay bankruptcy lawyer fees as well. It is really an added expense we incur throughout the bankruptcy crisis, and we must be prepared to repay this expense as well. The price incurred are minimal when compared to new lease on life which they help you in attaining.

Related posts:

  1. Minneapolis Bankruptcy Attorney, Chapter 7 Business Bankruptcy Lawyer Minnesota
  2. Minnesota Bankruptcy Lawyer
  3. Skillful Bankruptcy Lawyer in Minnesota is the Key to Your Successful Bankruptcy Filling
  4. Business Bankruptcy Location: Where Can A Business File? (The Florida Bankruptcy Law Blog)
  5. Equifax Reports Business Failures On The Decline; Western Region Still Leads Nation In Small Business Bankruptcy Filings


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Tropical storm Miriam now a Category 2 hurricane

Tropical storm Miriam rapidly became hurricane Miriam in the Pacific. Miriam is getting stronger but is not on track to hit the US or Mexico.

By Staff,?Associated Pres / September 24, 2012

In this NOAA satellite image taken Monday, Sept. 24, 2012, at 1:00 a.m. EDT shows Hurricane Miriam off the southwestern coast of Mexico. Miriam has maximum winds of 90 mph and is expected to move towards the northwest in the next 24 hours.

(AP Photo/Weather Underground)


Forecasters say Miriam has rapidly strengthened into a Category 2 hurricane well off Mexico's Baja California peninsula, but poses no threat to land.

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Forecasters at the National Hurricane Center in Miami said Miriam is packing top sustained winds of 105 mph (165 kph) and could become a major hurricane sometime later Monday. The hurricane formed a day earlier in the eastern Pacific and at 5 a.m. EDT was centered about 415 miles (665 kms) south-southwest of the southern tip of Baja California.

The center says Miriam was moving northwest near 13 mph (20 kph). No coastal watches or warnings are in effect.

In the open Atlantic, Tropical Storm Nadine weakened somewhat early Monday while meandering far from land. It had sustained winds of about 50 mph (85 kph).

RELATED: Extreme Weather 2012


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Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Genetic findings may lead to new breast cancer treatments | The Salt ...

In findings that are fundamentally reshaping the scientific understanding of breast cancer, researchers have identified four genetically distinct types of the cancer. And within those types, they found hallmark genetic changes that are driving many cancers.

These discoveries are expected to lead to new treatments with drugs already approved for cancers in other parts of the body and new ideas for more precise treatments aimed at genetic aberrations that now have no known treatment.

The study, published online on Sunday in the journal Nature, is the first comprehensive genetic analysis of breast cancer, which kills more than 35,000 women a year in the United States. The new paper, and several smaller recent studies, are electrifying the field.

"This is the road map for how we might cure breast cancer in the future," said Dr. Matthew Ellis of Washington University, a researcher for the study.

Researchers and patient advocates caution that it will still take years to translate the new insights into transformative new treatments. Even within the four major types of breast cancer, individual tumors appear to be driven by their own sets of genetic changes. A wide variety of drugs will most likely need to be developed to tailor medicines to individual tumors.

"There are a lot of steps that turn basic science into clinically meaningful results," said Karuna Jaggar, executive director of Breast Cancer Action, an advocacy group. "It is the ?stay tuned? story."

The study is part of a large federal project, the Cancer Genome Atlas, to build maps of genetic changes in common cancers. Reports on similar studies of lung and colon cancer have been published recently. The breast cancer study was based on an analysis of tumors from 825 patients.

"There has never been a breast cancer genomics project on this scale," said the atlas? program director, Brad Ozenberger of the National Institutes of Health.

The investigators identified at least 40 genetic alterations that might be attacked by drugs. Many of them are already being developed for other types of cancer that have the same mutations. "We now have a good view of what goes wrong in breast cancer," said Joe Gray, a genetic expert at Oregon Health & Science University, who was not involved in the study. "We haven?t had that before."

The study focused on the most common types of breast cancer that are thought to arise in the milk duct. It concentrated on early breast cancers that had not yet spread to other parts of the body in order to find genetic changes that could be attacked, stopping a cancer before it metastasized.

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The study?s biggest surprise involved a particularly deadly breast cancer whose tumor cells resemble basal cells of the skin and sweat glands, which are present in the deepest layer of the skin. These breast cells form a scaffolding for milk duct cells.

This type of cancer is often called triple negative and accounts for a small percentage of breast cancer.

But researchers found that this cancer was entirely different from the other types of breast cancer and much more resembles ovarian cancer and a type of lung cancer.

"It?s incredible," said Dr. James Ingle of the Mayo Clinic, one of the study?s 348 authors, of the ovarian cancer connection. "It raises the possibility that there may be a common cause."

It raises the possibility that some women could be treated with less toxic drugs for ovarian cancer rather than with a type of drug, anthracyclines, which has harsh side effects.

Anthracyclines, Ellis said, "are the drugs most breast cancer patients dread because they are associated with heart damage and leukemia."

Such cancers are often called triple negative but the study researchers call them basal-like.

Next Page >

Copyright 2012 The Salt Lake Tribune. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Why the Novel Matters: An Interview with Cynthia Ruchti

Novel Matters:?? Tell us about your professional writing affiliations and how they have helped your writing career.

Cynthia Ruchti:?? I've been a member of ACFW since 2002, and credit it with much of what moved me from aspiring author to multi-published author. I could paste words together to form a sentence before joining. ACFW helped me learn to carve them into a story. Then it taught me how to polish the story so it caught the light ... and the Light.

I'd been writing professionally -- radio scripts, magazine articles, newspaper columns, anthologies -- for 20 years before attempting full-length fiction. The radio broadcasts were fiction exercises -- eight- or nine-minute scenes of dialogue with a musical interlude and devotion-style teaching. So I'd had practice storytelling. But there's so much more to becoming a novelist than knowing how to tell a story. ACFW offered me the "so much more." After volunteering as the Topic of the Week coordinator for several years, I made the anything-but-natural leap to president of ACFW for a two-year term. Since then, I've served as ACFW's professional relations liaison, helping strengthen connections between authors and retailers, libraries, book clubs, and readers.

Writing conferences large and small have impacted my writing. Here a little. There a little. Here a lot. There a lot more.

I'm a member of The Writers' View and consider the wisdom shared on that loop part of my continuing education. As a member of AWSA, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, I gain another level of education, one that connects my writing and speaking. I recently joined CAN, Christian Authors' Network, and look forward to growing in that affiliation.

Novel Matters is one of the writing-related blogs I try not to miss. It feeds my writer-soul as well as my writer-mind.

NM:?? We're happy to hear that. Which novels have informed you as a writer over the years? In what ways have they influenced you?

CR:?? Every novel I've ever read has informed me, influenced me. Some have taught me what not to do or challenged me to write in a more compelling way. Some have edged me forward in my understanding of the human spirit and what it's capable of enduring, or strengthened my grasp of concepts like hope and grace. Some novels left me longing to have been given that story to write. Some left me speechless, wordless, longing to have been given that gift for storytelling. I appreciate a wide variety of novel styles. But I only remember the ones that moved me.

NM:?? If you could sit down with any writer in history or living today, who would it be and why?

CR:?? David, the psalmist -- the writer/worshiper/warrior -- would make a fascinating dinner guest. I'd listen first, then share my theories about how all of us are called to balance the writer, the worshiper, and the warrior in us. Then I'd listen some more, likely embarrassed that it took me so long to discover what his words and his life have been speaking for millenia.

NM:?? As we shift gears just a bit toward your writing, do you outline your novels before you write, or are you a feel-your-way-through writer?

CR:?? Somewhere in my brain is an outliner. She lives in a tiny little corner of my mental attic. The rest of the house is given over to the intuitive writer who -- to puree a metaphor, which is significantly more aggressive than mixing one -- likes to push off from shore with a paddle, a canoe, and no map. I have a general idea where I am as I write, but I thrive on the discovery of uncharted territory. I don't outline until I'm well into the process.

NM:?? Which comes first for you: plot, characters, theme or something else?

CR:?? Where does a novel start for me? With an intriguing word, a title that promises a whole book behind it, a scene visualized then threaded with what came before and what comes after, a concept that makes me wonder, a character in my life who begs to become a character in a book ...

So far the novels I've published, those soon to be released, those contracted, and those still in embryo stage have each had their unique genesis. Does that make me bizarre or buffet-like?

NM:?? Since the six of us would give a similar answer, we say that makes you buffet-like. Definitely not bizarre. What is the one non-writing thing you do that helps you be a better writer?

CR:?? No matter how pressing the deadlines, my husband and I try not to miss our weekly small-group Bible study, a true community of people walking out their faith and not afraid to show their blisters. Last week, one of the members said, "You should write a book about us." I told him, "I already did."

NM:?? How are you navigating the changing tides of publishing?

CR:?? Veewy caewfuwwy. As soon as we think we've memorized the "pink sky at night, sailors take flight; pink sky in morning, sailors take warning" publishing weather signs, the sky turns chartreuse! But when have things been predictable? Personally, I'm working hard to stay abreast of the changes, but also working hard to stay tethered to my anchor, to the Lord who called me to this undulating process with its adventures and obstacle courses.

NM:?? What keeps you writing despite setbacks?

CR:?? The joy of story keeps me writing. I want to see how life turns out -- for my characters, for the situations they find themselves in, for me the writer. I keep writing because writing is how I grow. It's what keeps me alert, observant, empathetic, and expressive. I don't like me as well when I'm not writing because I have to think and feel in order to write well.

NM:?? What is the worst piece of writing advice ever offered to you, and why?

CR:?? Not advice, per se, but years ago I heard people question why I wasn't published yet. They thought I could write. Grateful for their encouragement, I'm also grateful it didn't happen because they wished it so. It happened because God orchestrated it, so He could take credit. I forced open a rosebud once to see what would happen. It wilted in my hands. I don't want that to happen to my writing.

NM:?? What is the best piece of writing advice you have to offer aspiring authors?

CR:?? Write as hard as you can. Learn as hard as you can. Wait as hard as you can.

Aspiring authors don't mind investing time in writing. And learning's not so bad. Waiting? Do I have to?

Before, during, and after writing the novel.

NM:?? Your novel, They Almost Always Come Home, is set in the Canadian wilderness. Tell about your choice for that setting.

CR:?? The Quetico Provincial Park was a natural choice for this story. It's a favorite spot for my husband's getaways -- canoeing, backpacking, fishing, swatting mosquitoes in the remote wilderness. After annual and sometimes twice-annual trips to the wilderness, he coaxed me into accompanying him. It was snowing when we slipped our canoe into the water, and that gives a clue how much I didn't enjoy what he so treasured.

NM:?? What was the seed of your story idea for this novel?

CR:?? In 1999, my husband almost didn't come home from one of his trips to the Canadian wilderness. His story sparked the idea for what eventually led to They Almost Always Come Home. If the setting and the emotions seem real, it's because I've seen that water, felt the weight of a pack on my back, crossed the grueling portages, slept on tree roots and huddled as close as I could get to the campfire without setting fire to my hiking boots.

The remoteness and beauty of the wilderness mimicked the utter loneliness and yet the beauty of discovery for the main character, Libby, as she searched the wilderness to find out what happened to her husband, to their marriage, and to her faith. Although Libby's story is not mine, it was all too easy to imagine how she might have felt and the internal battles she fought. As I began to develop the story, new layers unfolded, layers that surprised even me.

NM:?? What did you gain from writing They Almost Always Come Home?

CR:?? How much time do we have? I needed to dig deep, then deeper still, in order to write Libby authentically. She, an imaginary character, taught me things about myself, about my approach to my husband, about who he was at his core, about how easily a family can be destroyed if they stop talking about what really matters. I gained great empathy, too, for those who feel abandoned by God, or who think they deserve to be abandoned by God. I'm continually uncovering more that I needed to learn as I interact with readers and hear their coments about how the story moved them.

NM:?? What do you want your readers to carry away from reading your novel?

CR:?? I tell stories of Hope-that-glows-in-the-dark. Hope often shows up best against a dark backdrop. So I pray that as readers get to the end of any novel I write, they'll see hope glowing in the dark of the characters' story and their own.

NM:?? Why does the novel matter to Cynthia Ruchti?

CR:?? "Come, let us reason together," God said in His Word. I picture that He's really saying, "Come sit here by me. You tell me your stories and I'll tell you Mine. And we'll think about them. We'll talk about them. You'll walk away different. I promise."

I see that same scene happening every time a reader opens a novel of any significance. We don't walk away the same. We're enlightened, encouraged, challenged, delighted, saddened, moved, impressed, baffled, buffaloed, blessed, or refreshed ... but rarely the same.

When I read a novel, I climb inside the pages and live the story with the characters, which expands the breadth and depth of my understanding. Novels written by the Novel Matters authors did that for me. Considering the number and variety of novels on the bookshelves in almost every room of my house, including the bathrooms, I've been through a lot!

Thank you for letting me visit with your blog readers. I appreciate the insights offered on Novel Matters. It's a must-read for me.

And we appreciate Cynthia taking time to share her writer's heart with us. They Almost Always Come Home and Cedar Creek Seasons are available wherever books or ebooks are sold. A Door Country Christmas novella collection is sold out but available in digital format.?Readers can watch for another full-length novel from Cynthia in April: When the Morning Glory Blooms, by Abingdon Press.


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Monday, September 24, 2012

Could Sony Be Planing Biometric User ID?s? (Qj)

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