Monday, September 5, 2011

Cheerleading: a sport or not? | DHS Telegram | Dixon, CA

It has been debated for a long time on whether or not cheerleading should be considered a sport.? What is the truth? Will anyone ever agree?? When talking to students at the school, I got some of their opinions on this debate.

One student says it should not be considered a sport, ?Cheerleading has no physical activity besides when they have to lift people, don?t sweat at all unless it is from being to hot outside, and there is not much competition involved?-John Loarca.? Many students agree with this, but most are ones that do not participate in this sport.? What do the cheerleaders do that other people are not seeing?

I then went and asked a student that is on the cheer team to see what is that they actually do to be considered a sport.? One cheerleader I spoke to said ? We actually have a lot of conditioning and have to work just as hard as other sports teams.? We have competitions and have to practice a lot? -Sydney Sorenson? This is a true statement, having to practice each of the week days is just like most other sport teams at the high school.

No matter who disagrees and says it is not a sport, it will always be in the category of ?Sports? in the eyes of cheerleaders and those who support them.? It has been at DHS for a long time and will continue to be known as a sport by most.? But what would a football game be without the spirit brought by the cheerleaders?? There is a big disagreement on this, will there ever be an answer that everyone is actually happy with?

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