Friday, July 8, 2011

Feed the birds naturally fixed interest | My Blog

Hear the birds melodious to make our hearts delight. Surely you know the type of birds such as crows, Sooty-headed bulbul and Where.

Birds are animals that lay eggs are easy to reproduce. The birds are popular pets. Even the birds now becomes a lucrative commodity trade and have high value offerings.?In indonesia, there are various types of breeding birds.

One to pay attention in feed breeding birds or bird food. A healthy and balanced diet will help to enhance the growth of the birds. The birds usually kept because arms, nor the colour is the fur. There are several types of birds can experience a decrease in sound quality if data feed that is wrong.

Types of bird Feed

Here there is a type of bird feed based on the type of food ?, also from animal or plant, among others, namely:

Bird Feeds made by insects. Insects are favoured by bird, among others, ants, like ants rangrang.? These ants are usually live in. groupsamong the alberiLe larvae of ants is also used as a bird food. In addition to other insects, ants are used as bird food is crickets.Bird Feed in Absinthe.? Not all types of worms could be eaten by birds. There are several worms that can be used as fodder, earthworms and worms we encounter in pematang rice paddies.Bird Feeds made by Caterpillar. There are several kinds of worms that can be administered as bird food, among others, Coop, i.e. the Caterpillar Caterpillar found chicken droppings, Caterpillar Caterpillar hongkong and bamboo.Feed Bird made of vegetables, fruits and seeds.? Birds like to eat vegetables such as beans, so yummy and carrots. His act should naturally be first cut/finely. Fruits are used as fodder and fruit is ripe ripe on the tree full of/. While the seeds like walnut seeds, seeds of corn and beans.?

The most important collection of birds, namely power should be regularly, clean and very nutritious. Malnutrition, or vitamin in birds could carry a pen on a bird not appeal, loud sounds less good, and liable to attack by disease.

Although now they eat many manufacturers that produce artificial feed for birds, natural sources still existing around us are still of interest. However, the birds have more kinds of food from instincts chose the natural surroundings.


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