Friday, March 1, 2013

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ScienceDaily: Living Well News

ScienceDaily: Living Well News Stories about health and wellness, lifestyle issues and trends, family concerns and other topics about everyday life.en-usFri, 01 Mar 2013 11:06:06 ESTFri, 01 Mar 2013 11:06:06 EST60ScienceDaily: Living Well News For more science articles, visit ScienceDaily.Gel manicures can be tough on nails Dermatologist recommends moderation as gel polish linked to nail problems.Fri, 01 Mar 2013 08:41:41 EST doesn't change young girls' desire to have children, study shows Researchers have found that healthy adolescent females have predetermined expectations for becoming parents in the future, but have concerns about fertility and childbearing should they develop a life-threatening illness, such as cancer.Fri, 01 Mar 2013 03:48:48 EST with identifying meat? The answer is to check the barcode Want to know what you are eating? DNA barcodes can be used to identify even very closely related species, finds a new article. Results from the study show that the labelling of game meat in South Africa is very poor with different species being substituted almost 80 percent of the time.Thu, 28 Feb 2013 19:46:46 EST can't cope with making a left-hand turn and talking on hands-free cell phone Most serious traffic accidents occur when drivers are making a left-hand turn at a busy intersection. When those drivers are also talking on a hands-free cell phone, "that could be the most dangerous thing they ever do on the road," said an expert.Thu, 28 Feb 2013 12:41:41 EST video games boost reading skills, study of children with dyslexia suggests Much to the chagrin of parents who think their kids should spend less time playing video games and more time studying, time spent playing action video games can actually make dyslexic children read better, new research suggests. In fact, 12 hours of video game play did more for reading skills than is normally achieved with a year of spontaneous reading development or demanding traditional reading treatments.Thu, 28 Feb 2013 12:41:41 EST'Crazy-busy' Canadians under pressure on the job Having more control in the workplace can have negative consequences for individuals, but it depends on the form of job control. Having control over one's work schedule and job autonomy are associated with lower levels of job pressure.Thu, 28 Feb 2013 10:34:34 EST junk food while pregnant may make your child a junk food addict A healthy diet during pregnancy is critical to the future health of your children. New research suggests that pregnant mothers who consume junk food cause developmental changes of the opioid signaling pathway in the brains of their unborn children. Consequently, these children are less sensitive to opioids released upon consumption of foods high in fat and sugar, and need to eat more to achieve a "feel good" response.Thu, 28 Feb 2013 10:34:34 EST, writing, arithmetic, and aerobics: Evaluating the new 'R' in academic performance Although the long-term consequences of childhood obesity are well documented, some school districts have reduced physical education classes to devote more time to the three Rs in education -- reading, writing, and arithmetic. However, there is new evidence that leaving out an important fourth R -- aerobics -- could actually be counterproductive for increasing test scores. A new study studied the associations between aerobic fitness, body mass index, and passing scores on standardized math and reading tests.Thu, 28 Feb 2013 08:05:05 EST some people get zits and others don't Researchers have discovered that acne bacteria contain "bad" strains associated with pimples and "good" strains that may protect the skin. The findings could lead to a myriad of new therapies to prevent and treat the disfiguring skin disorder.Thu, 28 Feb 2013 08:01:01 EST your breath identify stress? The perennial stress-buster -- a deep breath -- could become stress-detector. According to a new pilot study, there are six markers in the breath that could be candidates for use as indicators of stress.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 22:56:56 EST less and moving about more could be more important than vigorous exercise to reduce risk of type 2 diabetes New research reveals that individuals at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes would benefit from being told to sit less and move around more often -- rather than simply exercising regularly. The experts suggest that reducing sitting time by 90 minutes in total per day could lead to important health benefits.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 18:35:35 EST a soccer ball may affect cognitive performance Sports-related head injuries are a growing concern, and new research suggests that even less forceful actions like 'heading' a soccer ball may cause changes in performance on certain cognitive tasks, according to new research.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 18:34:34 EST indoor humidity inactivates flu virus particles Higher humidity levels indoors can significantly reduce the infectivity of influenza virus particles released by coughing, according to new research.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 18:34:34 EST children for their personal qualities may backfire Praising children, especially those with low self-esteem, for their personal qualities rather than their efforts may make them feel more ashamed when they fail, according to new research.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 18:33:33 EST explores factors that impact adolescent mental health Research indicates that half of all lifetime cases of mental illness begin by age 14, well before adulthood. Three new studies investigate the cognitive, genetic and environmental factors that may contribute to mental health disorders in adolescence.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 15:12:12 EST researcher, 98, reports on the dietary causes of heart disease A 98-year-old researcher argues that, contrary to decades of clinical assumptions and advice to patients, dietary cholesterol is good for your heart -- unless that cholesterol is unnaturally oxidized (by frying foods in reused oil, eating lots of polyunsaturated fats, or smoking).Wed, 27 Feb 2013 15:12:12 EST your neighborhood, define your health? Does your neighborhood really define health? Most of us make a choice between suburbs, countryside, or city and settle down. But others, particularly those living in poverty, don?t always get to make that choice ?- the choice that could actually determine our quality and length of life. So how does this choice affect our health?Wed, 27 Feb 2013 13:43:43 EST diet contributes to exposure to endocrine-disrupting chemicals: Phthalates and BPA While water bottles may tout BPA-free labels and personal care products declare phthalates not among their ingredients, these assurances may not be enough. According to a new study, we may be exposed to these chemicals in our diet, even if our diet is organic and we prepare, cook, and store foods in non-plastic containers. Children may be most vulnerable.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 12:19:19 EST makes you delusional and that's not all bad: Trusting partners remember transgressions in ways that benefit the relationship New research is the first to systematically examine the role of trust in biasing memories of transgressions in romantic partnerships. People who are highly trusting tended to remember transgressions in a way that benefits the relationship, remembering partner transgressions as less severe than they originally reported. People low on trust demonstrated the opposite pattern, remembering partner transgressions as being more severe than how they originally reported.?Wed, 27 Feb 2013 11:31:31 EST the new normal in aging Researcher says terms such as "normal," "healthy" or "successful" aging can prejudice our views of seniors.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 11:30:30 EST studies link gene to selfish behavior in kids, find other children natural givers Most parents would agree that raising a generous child is an admirable goal -- but how, exactly, is that accomplished? New results shed light on how generosity and related behaviors -- such as kindness, caring and empathy -- develop, or don't develop, in children from 2 years old through adolescence.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 10:29:29 EST opposite-sex couples have better overall health than same-sex couples who live together Same-sex couples who live together have worse health than married opposite-sex couples and similar health as opposite-sex couples who are living together (after adjusting for socioeconomic differences), according to a new study.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 10:21:21 EST about the future may lead to longer, healthier life Older people who have low expectations for a satisfying future may be more likely to live longer, healthier lives than those who see brighter days ahead, according to new research.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 10:19:19 EST thin models and celebrities really help sell to women? Advertisers who put images of female celebrities and models next to their products spark scorn rather than shopping, according to new research.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 08:58:58 EST much vitamin D during pregnancy can cause food allergies, research suggests Pregnant women should avoid taking vitamin D supplements, new research suggests. Substitution appears to raise the risk of children developing a food allergy after birth.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 08:58:58 EST cohabitors less healthy than those in heterosexual marriages, study suggests Same-sex cohabitors report worse health than people of the same socioeconomic status who are in heterosexual marriages, according to a new study, which may provide fuel for gay marriage proponents.Wed, 27 Feb 2013 08:57:57 EST risk of sleep disorder narcolepsy in children who received swine flu vaccine A study finds an increased risk of narcolepsy in children and adolescents who received the A/H1N1 2009 influenza vaccine (Pandemrix) during the pandemic in England.Tue, 26 Feb 2013 19:40:40 EST Gloves Dangerous in Winter, Says expert Fingers are one of the first body parts to suffer from the cold and popular fingerless texting gloves can lead to frostbite and in worst cases, amputation, says an expert.Tue, 26 Feb 2013 14:12:12 EST becoming a pain in the neck Orthopedic surgeon, spine specialist says excessive leaning head forward and down, while looking at a phone or other mobile device could result in what some people call ?text neck.?Tue, 26 Feb 2013 10:12:12 EST reinforces learning: Children?s brains transform subconsciously learned material into active knowledge During sleep, our brains store what we have learned during the day a process even more effective in children than in adults, new research shows.Tue, 26 Feb 2013 08:11:11 EST diet helps cut risk of heart attack, stroke: Results of PREDIMED study presented Results of a major study aimed at assessing the efficacy of the Mediterranean diet in the primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases show that such a diet supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or tree nuts reduces by 30 percent the risk of suffering a cardiovascular death, a myocardial infarction or a stroke.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 18:15:15 EST good is good for you: Volunteer adolescents enjoy healthier hearts Giving back through volunteering is good for your heart, even at a young age, according to researchers.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 16:22:22 EST CPR education in high-risk neighborhoods could save more lives Targeting CPR education in high-risk neighborhoods could increase the number of bystanders giving CPR and decrease deaths from cardiac arrest, according to a new statement.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 15:30:30 EST gap disappears in school math competitions The idea that boys are better at math and in competitions has persisted for a long time - primarily because of the competition format. A new study shows that competitions that extend beyond a single round result in parity between the sexes.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 15:30:30 EST surveys show environment ranks low among public concerns A newly released international study reveals that the issue of climate change is not a priority for people in the United States and around the world. The surveys showed that when asked to rank priority worries, people were five times more likely to point to the economy over the environment.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 13:15:15 EST of spirituality can induce liberal attitudes, researchers find People become more politically liberal immediately after practising a spiritual exercise such as meditation, researchers have found.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 13:15:15 EST strategy may help depressed people remember the good times New research highlights a memory strategy that may help people who suffer from depression in recalling positive day-to-day experiences.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 12:20:20 EST question of accountability: What happens when employees are left in the dark? All employees are accountable for something, but very few fully understand exactly what they are accountable for, according to a new study.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 11:23:23 EST Workplace conflicts between women get bad rap A new study suggests troubling perceptions exist when it comes to women involved in disputes at work.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 09:22:22 EST babies slow to grow catch up by early teens New research shows that most babies who are slow to put on weight in the first nine months of life have caught up to within the normal range by the age of 13, but remain lighter and shorter than many of their peers. There are significant differences in the pattern of "catchup," depending on the infant's age when the slow weight gain occurs.Mon, 25 Feb 2013 09:22:22 EST talking about their own drug use to children could be detrimental Parents know that one day they will have to talk to their children about drug use. The hardest part is to decide whether or not talking about ones own drug use will be useful in communicating an antidrug message. Recent research found that children whose parents did not disclose drug use, but delivered a strong antidrug message, were more likely to exhibit antidrug attitudes.Fri, 22 Feb 2013 08:31:31 EST lunchrooms make lunch choices child's play In Jan. 2012, the United States Department of Agriculture passed a series of regulations designed to make school lunches more nutritious, which included requiring schools to increase whole grain offerings and making students select either a fruit or vegetable with their purchased lunch. However, children cannot be forced to eat these healthier lunches. In a new study, researchers determined that small, inexpensive changes to school cafeterias influenced the choice and consumption of healthier foods.Fri, 22 Feb 2013 08:31:31 EST study: Meet virus' new enemy Virologists have discovered a new class of molecular compounds capable of killing the influenza virus. Working on the premise that too much of a good thing can be a killer, the scientists have advanced previous researchers' methods of manipulating an enzyme that is key to how influenza replicates and spreads. The new compounds will lead to a new generation of anti-influenza drugs that the virus' strains can't adapt to, and resist, as easily as they do Tamiflu.Thu, 21 Feb 2013 19:42:42 EST make older adults less forgetful in memory tests Scientists have found compelling evidence that older adults can eliminate forgetfulness and perform as well as younger adults on memory tests. The cognitive boost comes from a surprising source -- a distraction learning strategy.Thu, 21 Feb 2013 14:39:39 EST grandma join Facebook? It may give her a cognitive boost, study finds Preliminary research findings suggest learning to use Facebook may help give adults older than 65 a cognitive boost. The study shows that seniors who learned to use Facebook saw improvements in their ability to continuously monitor and quickly add or delete the contents of their working memory.Thu, 21 Feb 2013 14:39:39 EST backpacks may damage nerves, muscles and skeleton, study suggests Damage to muscles and the skeleton is the frequent consequence of carrying heavy backpacks and occupational gear on our backs. New research confirms that damage to the nerves that travel through the neck and shoulders is also a serious risk.Thu, 21 Feb 2013 14:16:16 EST A life outside the workplace New research suggests the growing number of workers who are single and without children have trouble finding the time or energy to participate in non-work interests, just like those with spouses and kids.Thu, 21 Feb 2013 11:58:58 EST rich and poor nations, giving makes people feel better than getting, research finds Feeling good about spending money on someone else rather than for personal benefit may be a universal response among people in both impoverished countries and rich nations, according to new research.Thu, 21 Feb 2013 10:43:43 EST poisonings leading cause of deaths at home, study finds An increasing number of people die from unintentional home injury, in large part due to accidental drug overdose, according to a new study.Thu, 21 Feb 2013 10:41:41 EST capital -- the benefit of Facebook 'friends' Intense Facebook usage is found to have a positive effect on psychological well-being, according to a new study.?Thu, 21 Feb 2013 08:46:46 EST children can hop on one leg: Motor development in children under 5 can now be tested reliably Researchers have determined normative data for different exercises such as hopping or running. This enables parents and experts to gauge the motor skills of young children for the first time objectively and thus identify abnormalities at an early stage.Thu, 21 Feb 2013 08:46:46 EST about being old is important indicator of body dissatisfaction Similar to talking about being fat, talking about being old is an important an indicator of body dissatisfaction, shows new research. Body dissatisfaction is known to be correlated with, and predictive of, physical and mental health problems including binge eating, emotional eating, stress, low self-esteem, depression, and use of unhealthy weight control behaviors. High levels of talking about weight and being fat, ?fat talk?, is known to be a good indicator of body dissatisfaction.Wed, 20 Feb 2013 20:37:37 EST 'unwinnable' drugs war and divert funds into curbing global antibiotic misuse, experts say Governments around the world should stop squandering resources fighting an "unwinnable war" against illegal drugs, such as cocaine and heroin. Instead, they should use the cash to curb antibiotic misuse, which poses a far more serious threat to human health, claims a leading ethicist.Wed, 20 Feb 2013 18:49:49 EST exposed to DEET once are less repelled by it a few hours later, study claims Mosquitoes are able to ignore the smell of the insect repellent DEET within a few hours of being exposed to it, according to new research.Wed, 20 Feb 2013 18:49:49 EST checks, permanent records needed for all firearm transfers, not just gun sales by retailers, experts urge Gun violence in the United States can be substantially reduced if Congress expands requirements for background checks on retail gun sales to cover firearm transfers between private parties, a new report concludes.Wed, 20 Feb 2013 16:36:36 EST children can suffer lasting psychological harm as adults Bullied children grow into adults who are at increased risk of developing anxiety disorders, depression and suicidal thoughts, according to a new study.Wed, 20 Feb 2013 16:36:36 EST shed pounds in worksite-based weight loss intervention with behavioral counseling Workplace-based programs that include dietary advice coupled with behavioral counseling appear to be a promising approach for men and women with significant weight loss goals, based on the results of a pilot study. Employees enrolled in the intervention arm of a randomized controlled trial lost on average, 18 pounds over a six-month period compared to a two pound weight gain in a control group.Wed, 20 Feb 2013 16:35:35 EST bike lanes, slower vehicle speeds greatly reduce bicycle injuries Using your bicycle to commute to work has numerous health and environmental benefits. Yet, the largest Canadian study on cycling injuries suggests cyclists are at risk of injury due to the lack of cycling infrastructure in large urban centers.Wed, 20 Feb 2013 13:17:17 EST shows promise to protect hearing, cognition Resveratrol, a substance found in red grapes and red wine, may have the potential to protect against hearing and cognitive decline, according to a new study.Wed, 20 Feb 2013 13:17:17 EST for common hangover? 'Pill' mimics action of human liver in fighting alcohol intoxication In a discovery that could promise a quick fix to the common hangover, a team of engineers has identified a method for speeding up the body's reaction to the consumption of alcohol.Wed, 20 Feb 2013 11:43:43 EST


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Are Indian Technical Writers really just churning out SHIT?

This article originally was an online reply to someone declaring Indian Technical Writing as incompetent and advocating that the work should be taken back to the American writers.

While there are a lot of TW teams in India who are producing quality work and are delivering far beyond their mandate of ?writing grammatically correct content,? there are teams in India who have struggled to meet the basic quality standards. Shipping the work back to the American Writers is a knee-jerk reaction (I know a couple of companies where this has been MADE TO HAPPEN successfully.)?

I have myself seen some pretty ordinary people in tech-writing in India. I joke with my friends sometimes that people who get shortlisted for tech-writing jobs are the ones devoid of any language skills, clarity of expression, and technical aptitude. While this joke is the reality of 30-40% tech-writing teams in India, it does not mean you cannot find talent in India. The problem lies elsewhere. What ails the badly performing Indian Tech-Writing teams??

I have seen that the following are the main problems:?

1) Me no wanna pay ?me no wanna train?

Best Indian Tech-Writers (just like their American counterparts) are not considered by most companies because they are expensive. New people with good potential are never considered cause they will need to be trained. So most companies end up recruiting the wrong people in the right experience range of 2-6 years.?

2) Training? What training??

It is very Indian to speak the same thing multiple times for emphasis and respect. It is also Indian to use minimal (sometimes incomplete) and informal communication. And then Indians are influenced by the British ? another nation Americans hate for linguistic reasons. We Indians are also taught British English in the school for 12-15 years.

Again, it is a knee jerk reaction to assume that Indians will struggle with these problems lifelong. NIIT, which use to be big in Instructional Designing a decade ago, had designed training programs that transformed hundreds of Indian new writers into thoroughbred American-style writers. The small NIIT language program was a mandatory one for everyone in the company. (Check with a former NIITian about this program or Google for it.)?
If you have no patience for training newbies, be more thorough in your recruitment and be willing to pay a little.?

3) How fast can you build a tech-writing team??

The speed with which you can build your tech-writing team is directly proportional to how soon you get frustrated and get ready to undo the whole thing (sending work back to the US). We all know how off-shoring is done - Indispensable tech-writers, domain experts, architects, and developers in the US are let go and new teams are built in quick time and are expected to hit the ground running.?
I know of a 100 member strong tech-writing team in Bangalore that was recruited in a matter of months (I know this because while the team was being built 37 different headhunters had contacted me for recruiting me in 3-4 months).?
If you go slow and think long term, you will increase your chances of success. Too many teams are recruited too fast to succeed.?

4) Let them make mistakes and learn?

This one is hard. I remember when I was teaching someone driving. Being an experienced driver, I found it very hard to let go of the steering and controls to a newbie. It was dangerous.?
Yet I did not assume that my trainee driver will keep driving like a newbie forever. Unfortunately, most editors and tech-writing managers fail to understand this.?

5) Damager may not be an anagram for Manager.. but sometimes, it?s a synonym?

In my 12 years as a Technical Writer, I haven?t seen more than a couple of tech-comm managers who knew their ?errr? stuff. For the fear of backlash, I will not elaborate on this point further (or maybe I will write a full blog post on the Tech-Writing Damagers). For now, I will mention a two-line Indian folklore that explains the survival of a lot of TW managers:?
?There was a demon who use to kill and eat the King on full moon, so the king?s men use to catch a villager and make him a king for THAT one day.?


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Wendy's stands by outlook amid transformation push

This undated image provide by Wendy's shows the fast food company's new logo. Wendy?s fiscal fourth-quarter net income grew more than sixfold as the hamburger chain continues to remodel restaurants. (AP Photo/Wendy's)

This undated image provide by Wendy's shows the fast food company's new logo. Wendy?s fiscal fourth-quarter net income grew more than sixfold as the hamburger chain continues to remodel restaurants. (AP Photo/Wendy's)

(AP) ? Wendy's is standing by its outlook for the year as it pushes ahead with restaurant remodeling plans intended to boost its image.

The company, based in Dublin, Ohio, says about 20 percent of its U.S. locations will be remodeled by 2015. The new look, which includes comfortable seating areas and flat-screen TVs, is intended to have a more inviting feel and is part of the company's goal of positioning itself on the higher end of the fast-food industry.

Wendy's has about 6,500 locations, primarily in North America.

In a conference call with analysts, Chief Financial Officer Steve Hare said sales at established restaurants in the first quarter of the year are off to a solid start after a modest performance a year ago. He declined to provide details, but the company said the new "Right Price, Right Size" value menu is resonating with customers.

Even as it tries to strengthen its image as a purveyor of more premium food, Wendy's is looking to step up its courtship of fast-food customers who are focused squarely on value. But the new menu has a tiered pricing strategy ranging from 99 cents to about $2 intended to sell items at more profitable price. Items on the previous menu all cost 99 cents, which was an issue for some franchisees because the profit margins were too thin.

The company's push to reinvent itself comes as people are increasingly eating at fast-casual chains such as Panera Bread Co., which offers food that's perceived to be higher quality for slightly higher prices. A better image could give Wendy's more wiggle room to raise prices without scaring off customers.

For the period ended Dec. 30, Wendy's Co. said its net income rose sharply because of a larger tax benefit and lower interest expense. It earned $26.4 million, or 7 cents per share, compared with $4 million, or 1 cent per share, a year ago.

The company revised its preliminary adjusted results showing earnings in January to reduce the estimate for charges related to discontinuing breakfast at certain locations and to reduce depreciation and amortization. It now says adjusted earnings were 9 cents per share in the period.

Analysts surveyed by FactSet expected 8 cents per share.

Revenue rose 2 percent to $629.9 million. Analysts expected revenue of $630 million.

Its shares rose 12 cents, or 2.2 percent, to $5.62 in trading 90 minutes before the market opening.

As previously reported, the company said sales at established restaurants slipped 0.2 percent, after a strong performance in the year-ago period that got a boost from the introduction of Dave's Hot 'n Juicy burgers. The measure is a key indicator of a financial health because it strips out the impact of newly opened and closed locations.

Looking ahead to 2013, the company affirmed its outlook for growth of 2 percent to 3 percent at restaurants open at least 15 months and remodeled restaurants open at least three months. It reaffirmed its forecast for adjusted earnings between 18 cents and 20 cents per share. Wall Street predicts 18 cents per share.

Associated Press


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Seth MacFarlane's jokes at the 85th Academy Awards may have caused some serious controversy, but the show's bigger moments, the several song and dance numbers that involved stars like Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Charlize Theron, Channing Tatum, and Daniel Radcliffe, were unanimous hits. The sequences pleased and impressed in equal amounts, and now Entertainment Weekly has scored [...]


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Dot Earth Blog: A Fresh Look at China's Long March on Energy and CO2

The Rhodium Group consulting firm has released a ?report card? on China?s energy trends and policies that describes the country?s intensifying efforts to increase the proportion of renewable sources like wind and hydroelectric dams and boost the efficiency of coal use (essentially the metric called ?greenhouse gas intensity? by President George W. Bush). The blunting upward trajectory in the graph above reflects progress, but a long path ahead.

The report is directly related to yesterday?s post laying out the view of the country?s leadership, as articulated by climate strategist Zou Ji, on the need to balance China?s response to global warming with its need to sustain economic advancement. The author of the report card, Trevor Houser, a former senior State Department adviser on international energy issues, told me he sees reasonable alignment between China?s goals for the economy and emissions:

Zou Ji mentions the challenges an industrializing economy faces in reducing emissions. Yet investment and industrial production are running out of steam as an engine of Chinese economic growth. The economic rebalancing Beijing is trying to engineer is capable by itself of achieving the country?s energy-intensity and carbon-intensity reducing goals.

Here are the main points from his report:

China?s 12th Five Year Plan includes a bevy of energy targets Beijing hopes to achieve between 2011 and 2015. Late last week the country?s National Bureau of Statistics released full-year energy supply and demand data for 2012, providing an early indicator on how China is doing two years into the plan. We?ve combed through the numbers, done the math, and offer a report card on Beijing?s progress to date in achieving its big three energy ambitions.

Target 1: Reduce the Energy-Intensity of the Economy by 16%: A slow-down in overall economic growth and, more importantly, a slow-down in energy-intensive industrial production, took its toll on energy demand in China in 2012. Coal and power consumption grew by only 2.5% and 5.5% respectively, down from 9.7% and 11.9% in 2011. That dragged overall energy demand growth down to 3.9% ? the lowest level China?s seen in more than a decade. While bad news for bulk commodity markets, it?s good news for Chinese energy policymakers as the country is getting back on track after a year in which energy-intensity only declined by 1.9%.

Target 2: Increase Non-Fossil Energy to 11.4% of Total Supply: Though overall power demand growth fell in 2012, the share of Chinese electricity generated from renewables increased from 15.7% to 19.4% thanks to a recovery in hydro and increased wind generation. Renewable and nuclear power combined accounted for 94% of all electricity generation growth in China in 2012. And preliminary estimates suggest the share of total energy supply from non-fossil sources increase from 8% to 9.9%. That puts Beijing in striking range of achieving its 11.4% target by 2015, though the big gains in 2012 will be tough to replicate this year.

Target 3: Cut the Carbon-Intensity of GDP by 17%: Slower energy demand growth combined with increased non-fossil energy supply curbed Chinese emissions growth in 2012. We estimate CO2 emissions rose by 3.2%, down from 9.3% year-on-year growth in 2011. That means the carbon-intensity of the Chinese economy declined by 4.3% ? a welcome improvement over 2011 when it remained unchanged. But the carbon-intensity of Chinese GDP will need to fall even faster ? by 4.6% a year between now and 2015 ? to meet Beijing?s 12th Five Year Plan commitment.

Read the rest here.


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Iran hails 'softer' and 'smarter' approach to its nuclear program

Talks on Iran's nuclear program made unexpected progress in Kazakhstan, reaching what Iran called a potential ?turning point? to limit its most sensitive nuclear work in exchange for modest sanctions relief.

Tehran reacted positively to a revised proposal that eases demands from six world powers on Iran's 20-percent uranium enrichment and its deeply buried Fordow facility.

The concession caught Iran's attention. It is now being asked to "suspend" it's 20-percent enrichment and can use its uranium stockpile already enriched to that level for nuclear fuel. It also only needs to modify equipment at Fordow ? not close it down permanently ? so that the facility cannot quickly and secretly resume operations there.

Those steps are the first from the United States and other world powers to diverge from demands laid down last spring ? and rejected ever since by Tehran ? to completely stop 20-percent enrichment, ship out its stockpile, and shut Fordow for good. That proposal also offered no reciprocal concessions on easing sanctions.

RECOMMENDED: How much do you know about Iran? Take our quiz to find out.

The P5+1 group (the US, Russia, China, Britain, France, and Germany) said it was waiting for action, not words, but Iranian diplomats hailed a ?softer? and ?smarter? approach from the P5+1 and sought to portray it as proof that sanctions pressure had failed to work.

The new offer was ?closer? to Iran?s position and ?more realistic comparing to what they said in the past,? Iran?s chief negotiator Saeed Jalili told journalists after the two-day talks ended yesterday.

?If this is a sign of a change of strategy ? we believe this is a momentum and a turning point,? Mr. Jalili said.

Jalili later told The Christian Science Monitor in an interview, ?What is important today is we repeated our advice to them that the strategy of pressure is wrong and could not bring any results.?


Iran?s positive assessment was not matched by the P5+1, whose diplomats would only say talks were ?useful,? and did not amount to a ?softening of position.?

?Concrete results? will matter more than atmospherics in handling ?the most destabilizing and urgent elements of Iran?s nuclear program," said a senior US diplomat.

Diplomats on both sides cautioned that a ?long road? lies ahead to find any deal that can satisfy all. The P5+1 wants to cap Iran?s nuclear advances, and ensure the Islamic Republic will never have nuclear weapons. Iran wants its ?right? to peaceful nuclear power recognized, and all sanctions lifted.

The new P5+1 package includes no easing of debilitating oil or financial sanctions that have choked the lifeblood of the Iranian economy and severely restricted all financial transactions. Other measures on the table, however, ?are meaningful and would be of substantial benefit to Iran,? said the American diplomat.

?We recognize [the revised P5+1 offer] as a modest initial measure ? that does not address our full range of concerns,? said the US diplomat. The aim was to ?put time on the clock to reach the comprehensive agreement we all seek.?

Both sides will convene for technical meetings in Istanbul on March 18 and for another full round of talks in Almaty on April 5- 6, picking up the diplomatic pace after an eight-month gap.


Iran said it was not deterred by what it called the ?very small steps? of sanctions relief on offer, such as resuming trade in gold and precious metals, and petrochemicals. It is likely to ask for more at the Istanbul talks.

?It is not important that these steps are small,? Jalili told the Monitor. ?The important thing is that those steps should be balanced. A response to a small step is a small step. We have a readiness for taking longer steps.?

Jalili said that Iran has already taken a number of steps that the P5+1 has not responded to.

?Some of the confidence measures that we have taken are unique,? Jalili told the Monitor. He lists as most important a fatwa against nuclear weapons by Iran?s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has repeatedly rejected the bomb as un-Islamic.

Another step is conversion of a substantial portion of Iran?s 20-percent stockpile ? detailed last week in a report by United Nations nuclear inspectors ? into oxide for fuel. That makes it very difficult to now use in any weapons push.

?What we said [to the P5+1] was we have taken several steps ? we didn?t enter into the details ? of these types of confidence-building measures,? said Jalili. ?We have taken a lot, [and] they should respond.?

The senior US official says the fatwa and 20 percent conversion are both ?useful? steps, but that those signals do not count so clearly as confidence-building measures in the P5+1 process.

?Neither of those things solve the underlying issue here, which is, in the first confidence-building measure: halting the [20-percent] enrichment ? dealing with the stockpile, and dealing with Fordow.?

?We may have changed the way it all looks, but the overall effect of it is quite substantial,? says the US diplomat. ?We have listened to their concerns. We have tried to put a meaningful, fair, and balanced package on the table.?


For the Iranians ? whose leader Mr. Khamenei has recently lambasted the negotiations and increasing sanctions pressure as a plot to destroy the regime ? the P5+1 change was palpable.

?The fact that they didn?t ask to close Fordow and stop all enrichment is a big achievement,? said an Iranian diplomat, noting a six-month timeline for these initial steps put forward by the P5+1. ?Their tone was softer, more realistic, and smarter. But as Mr. Jalili said, there is a long way to go.?

UN Security Council resolutions require Iran to stop all enrichment, until questions are resolved about alleged past weapons-related work. That applies to the 20-percent level ? which is just a few technical steps away from being turned into bomb-grade ? as well as Iran?s much wider-scale enrichment to 3.5 percent purity, to fuel power reactors.

The revised P5+1 proposal uses careful language to achieve some of those ends, but in a more face-saving way. Iran is now asked to ?suspend? 20 percent enrichment, and agree to ?significantly restrict the accumulation? of that material, says the American diplomat. Intriguingly, that is to be done ?while enabling the Iranians to produce sufficient fuel for the Tehran Research Reactor,? which still requires fuel made from uranium enriched to 20 percent, adds the American.

Fordow ? a small facility monitored by UN inspectors but impregnably buried beneath a mountain ? would need to be altered to ?constrain the ability to quickly resume operations there,? says the senior US official.

Enhanced inspections by the UN would also be required, to ?provide early warning of any attempt to rapidly or secretly abandon agreed limits and produce weapons-grade uranium,? the US diplomat says.

The Kazakh venue is especially relevant: More than two decades ago, the newly formed nation gave up its own nuclear weapons soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

President Nursultan Nazarbayev last year called on Iran to limit its nuclear ambitions: "Kazakhstan's experience shows that nations can reap huge benefits from turning their backs on nuclear weapons," he wrote in The New York Times.

Iran had dates ready for the next two stages ? a signal of interest that surprised P5+1 diplomats because determining past times and venues took weeks of haggling.

?Their answers are now closer to our ideas,? said Iran?s deputy negotiator Ali Bagheri, who will lead the next round of technical talks in Istanbul. ?For these ideas to come even closer, we need a meeting to make them more active.?

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