Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween TV: Spooky Shows to Watch Tonight!

On your regular Wednesday night TV shows, such as Modern Family and Suburgatory, Halloween was so last week. Maybe they decided to get their holiday-themed episodes out of the way so viewers could save the big day for really scary fare or for Halloween specials.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

VIDEO: Military Veterans Explain How Budget Cuts Threaten U.S. ...

Leaving aside the chatter about horses and bayonets, the final presidential debate offered President Obama and former Governor Mitt Romney an opportunity to address critical issues facing America?s military. Budget cuts pose a serious threat to military readiness ? aging aircraft, a shrinking Navy, and an Army that?s going to battle without needed equipment.

Even before the military faced nearly $1 trillion in budget cuts, there were already mounting readiness challenges. Earlier this year, Heritage interviewed military veterans from the Army, Air Force and Navy about how they needed to adapt as a result of insufficient resources.

For veterans of the Iraq war like Col. Kerry Kachejian, a retired Army Reserve engineer, it meant relying on a sport-utility vehicle more suited for America?s highways than Iraq?s dangerous streets. Without armored fighting vehicles that could stand up to ambushes and attacks, Kachejian recalled how the SUVs were modified ? ripping off the tailgate to make room for a gunner and hanging personal body armor out the window to stop or slow down a AK-47 round.

Another veteran, retired Air Force Lt. Gen. David A. Deptula, earned his wings and flew an F-15 for the first time in 1977. Thirty years later, another Deptula boarded the aircraft. His son, Lt. David A. Deptula II, flew the same F-15 at Kadena Air Force Base in Japan. The fighter was originally designed for a 4,000-hour service life. That was later extended to 8,000 hours. Deptula knows the risks associated with flying an older aircraft firsthand.

In 1979, Capt. Tom Shanahan, commanding officer of the USS Canisteo, had just returned from the Mediterranean Sea and was leading an overhaul of his fleet supply ship. Over the course of 10 months, the crew assigned to the Canisteo gradually disappeared, relocated by the Navy to other assignments. Those personnel cuts eventually left Shanahan with so few men that he couldn?t take his ship to sea. Shanahan took the bold step of refusing to certify his ship as seaworthy. Today, more than one-fifth of Navy ships were not ready for combat.

Heritage?s video highlights the risks of budget cuts to America?s military. The videos showcase personal stories of U.S. military veterans who confronted readiness challenges in their careers.


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WinZip 17

It seems like WinZip has been around since the dawn of PC computing. And indeed, at 21, it's one of the few popular programs still in use to have attained drinking age. And by popular, I mean it recently passed the billion download mark. But the just-launched version 17 shows that you can teach old dogs new tricks, at least when it comes to software. WinZip 17 ($29.95 direct) plays a useful role in this day of cloud computing, social networks, Windows 8, mobile devices, and even graphics hardware acceleration. The program even has a modern, if not futuristic look, with a simple yet functional Office-style button ribbon.

As you may have guessed, it does a heck of a lot more than just zip and unzip files now. And it supports many more archive file formats, which you may run into when downloading on the Web. In addition to ZIP, it can handle TAR, GZIP, CAB, RAR, 7z, ARJ, LZH, BHZ, and many more. It also offers government-level encryption to protect your files, as well as the cloud and social-network integration mentioned. It can also create self-extracting ZIPs so that you're recipient doesn?t need a utility to extract included files.

WinZip, despite its name, is now available for not only Windows XP through 8, but also for Mac OS X, Android, and iOS. The non-Windows versions, however, don't get the full functionality of the Windows version. You can download WinZip 17 as a free 45-day trial version before you buy. The evaluation version displays a banner ad and dialog asking you to purchase whenever you fire up the program. Installation also adds an Outlook plugin, which actually generated errors when I used Outlook to send emails.

The new WinZip's main window has the look of recent Microsoft Office interfaces, with a ribbon control bar. You can, however, revert to the classic WinZip interface if you prefer. Either choice is far more useable and attractive than 7Zip's. You can even dress WinZip in themes, but there's no Wizard view as there used to be and like that still offered by WinRAR.

WinZip's first ribbon choice is Create, which offers options for encrypting, resizing photos, watermark, and even converting to PDF. A new button is a cloud with a down-pointing arrow, which lets you create zips from your Dropbox, Google Drive, or Microsoft SkyDrive online storage. (Even though there's a Mac version of WinZip, it doesn't support iCloud file storage.) Of course, those choices required a sign-in to the cloud account. The Copy To ribbon set also offers those three cloud services as targets, too. I'd like to see Box (Free, 4 stars) added, since a lot of businesses use it.

Also like Office apps, at the very top of the app's window are small quick-access buttons, in WinZip's case these are for creating a new zip file, opening one, or?most interestingly?a cloud icon, which sends files to WinZip's ZipSend online storage service. More on this in a bit. WinZip also adds right-click choices to your Windows Explorer windows: You can create or add the selected files to an archive, or zip and e-mail the files. The context menus are also fully configurable, so you can just include the WinZip commands you want.

The remaining menu sets are Share, which lets you create a zip download on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter. WinZip's own MyZip cloud storage is also an option here, as is FTP uploading. Backup, which lets you create a compressed Zip of everything in you Documents folder, photos, desktop, email, or favorites. This is a handy tool in a pinch.

Speaking of tools, that's the name of the next activity menu choice. Included are those for creating multi-part zip files, self-extracting ones, UUEncoding (remember those, from Usenet days?), and encrypting with a password. There are also tools for showing the last output messages of test results on the last zip action, a comment adder, and diagnostics. In my tests, the diagnostics and Last Output tools displayed the same dialog.

The final tool is the Performance Scan, which looks for unneeded and temporary files and registry issues, but when you click "Fix" it wants you to by the company's system cleaner software. Stick with CCleaner (Free, 3.5 stars) or SlimWare (Free, 4.5 stars) for this.

Cloud Connections
I was able to easily create zips from files that WinZip downloaded from my cloud accounts, and as with all zip creation in the program, a message box displayed after the operation, telling me how much space had been saved through compression. Likewise I could directly and easily upload a ZIP I'd just created to my cloud account.


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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Tony Scott died from blunt force in LA bridge jump

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? An autopsy report on the death of "Top Gun" director Tony Scott lists his death as a suicide and says the cause was multiple blunt force injuries suffered from jumping off a bridge into Los Angeles Harbor.

The report released Monday by the Los Angeles County coroner says Scott also drowned, and had in his system therapeutic levels of the anti-depressant Remeron and the sleep aid Lunesta.

No surprises appeared in the autopsy results on Scott, who leapt from the Vincent Thomas Bridge on August 19 and whose death was presumed a probable suicide from the outset.

The coroner's office said previously that Scott left notes behind in his car including messages to friends and loved ones, but none gave a reason why he would kill himself.

Associated Press


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Michelle Singletary: With debt, no quick fixes

When I hear the words, "What do you think of debt settlement?" I cringe. I gird myself for a frustrating discussion with desperate debtors looking for a quick fix to a problem they've spent years creating.

They want to get rid of their debts as easy as it takes to bake a potato in the microwave. They want the phone calls to stop. They want the letters to stop coming. They need to get rid of the stress they are experiencing.

And so they want to believe the advertising from debt-settlement companies that claim a significant reduction of debt for just pennies on the dollar. One firm promises in its online ad that "if you owe $30,000, you could resolve your debt in as little as 24 to 48 months." The statement comes with a fine-print caveat saying that including fees, clients still end up paying as much as 75 percent of what they owe. And there is no guarantee the program will work.

There you have it. The hope of nuking the majority of your debt away in a short time is a pipe dream for most people.

Only about 1 in 10 consumers participating in debt-settlement programs actually end up debt-free in the promised time, according to a consumer alert issued recently by the nonprofit National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys.

Debt-settlement companies promise to act on your behalf to negotiate with your creditors to reduce your debts. Typically, customers are told to stop paying their bills and instead send money to the debt-relief firm that holds on to the money with the intention of offering creditors a lump-sum offer for less than what's owed.

"Bombarded with slick radio and Web advertising falsely promising a smooth road to being debt-free in a short period of time, these companies prey on the most desperate victims of the economic downturn," said Ed Boltz, a North Carolina bankruptcy attorney and incoming president of the association. "These particularly vulnerable consumers usually end up getting sued, stuck with outrageous fees, more deeply in debt and far worse off in terms of their credit score."

One of the biggest problems with debt-settlement programs is that they encourage consumers to default on their debts, Boltz said.

Let's look at two cases of failed debt-settlement plans provided by the association.

The people: A Florida couple with about $60,000 in credit card debt, and a California retiree with $79,000 in bills.

The program: The debt-settlement company told the Florida couple they needed to pay $31,200, including the firm's fees, to free themselves from their debt ? a savings of $28,800. The firm took an upfront fee of $6,900 and started collecting monthly payments of first $460 and then $230. The couple couldn't afford to keep up the payments and never got any debt settlement.

The 77-year-old Californian said he was watching television and saw a commercial for a debt-settlement company that said it was possible for him to reduce his debt by 50 percent. The company began taking $1,800 a month out of his bank account.

"As I started reading the contract, I realized I would have to pay 15 percent of the gross (debt) amount or close to $12,000 upfront out of the $1,800 before settling any debt," the retiree said during a teleconference.

He ended up paying the company $25,200. Not one of his debts was settled.

Federal rules put in place two years ago make it illegal for debt-relief services to charge upfront fees.

Companies that sell their services over the telephone can't get paid until they successfully settle or reduce a customer's credit card or other unsecured debt. The companies have to make specific disclosures to potential customers ? how long it will take to get results, how much the service will cost and the potential negative consequences of seeking debt relief. The firms also are prohibited from misrepresenting what they can do for debtors, in particular the percentage of debt that is typically erased.

The Federal Trade Commission recently charged an Ohio company and its owner with fraudulently claiming on 17 websites that consumers could quickly get out of debt if they used the services of several debt-settlement companies they referred people to. The company's owner agreed to a $390,000 settlement.

If you're thinking about debt settlement, go to and search for "Debt Relief Services." Read the advisory by the bankruptcy attorneys association at

The consumer alert may seem self-serving coming from bankruptcy attorneys, but the message is nonetheless important. The quick fix to get out of debt could end up causing you more financial pain and stress.


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What Percent of Your Salary Should You Save for Retirement? (by ...

Here's an easy to use graph that shows what percent of your salary you should save for retirement depending upon the age you start saving; it's independent of your salary. Not waiting too late to start implementing your retirement savings plan can make the difference between having a secure, comfortable retirement and spending your golden years in poverty.

What Percent of My Salary Should I Save for Retirement? ?(Without a Pension or Social Security): Some Benchmarks by Starting Age

Start Saving & Investing When You Are Young, And Don't Invest Overly Conservatively

This graph (click to enlarge) proposes some benchmarks for those planning to retire without a pension or Social Security. While your specific circumstances may differ from what I have assumed (see "Key Assumptions" below), they won't change the basic messages that I think this chart sends, namely:
  • The earlier you start saving for retirement, the better off you are (i.e., the less you will need to save each year)
  • The lower your return on investment, the more you will have to save each year
  • If you will not have a pension or Social Security, you very likely need to save at least 10% of your salary each year, regardless of when you start, or how much money you make.
  • If you wait until age 30-35 to start saving, you could easily need to save 20-40% of your salary each year in order to fund a comfortable retirement (given the assumption of no pension or Social Security)
  • Waiting until age 35 can mean that you will need to save nearly twice as much per month as would have been required if you had started at age 25
  • If you wait until age 40-45 you'll probably need to change some of the assumptions....

While you're probably not surprised that you're better off starting early and earning a high return, you may be surprised at how quickly the savings burden can become unmanageable if you do not.

The Impact of Starting Age on Annual Retirement Savings Needed, in Dollars

The chart suggests that, without a pension or Social Security, if you start your retirement savings at age 25 and earn the 8% nominal return typically assumed by many retirement planners, you'll need to save about 16% of your annual salary each year.?This means that if you earn $50,000 a year, you will need to save about $667/month or $8,000 a year -- $16,000 a year if you're earning $100,000. Wait 10 years, and the yearly numbers jump to $14,000 and $28,000.

Note: If long-term inflation is about 3%, then 8% nominal return corresponds to the 5% "real" - after inflation - return line on the chart. (If you're not familiar with real returns, see?About Nominal & Real Rates of Return.)

The Impact of Rate of Return on Annual Retirement Savings Needed, in Dollars

Similarly, if you earn $50,000/year, start saving at age 25, and earn 6% nominal (3% real) return instead of the 8% assumed in the previous section, your contribution will need to increase from $667/month to about $1042/month or $12,500/year. With a $100,000 salary, that translates to $2084/month or $25,000/year.

The 7% real (10% nominal) return line is included as an upper limit. Over very long periods of time, 50 years or more, a theoretical 100% stock portfolio has returned about 10%. However, few planners would recommend a 100% stock allocation.

These results are based upon your actual returns, not on what you planned to earn. So, be realistic; choose expected returns that are consistent with historical returns for asset allocations similar to yours.

The Key Assumptions

This post illustrates the impact of two important factors in retirement planning: when you begin saving for retirement, and how much you earn on your investments -- assuming you won't have a pension or Social Security. To provide a quick overview of the impact, I've assumed some typical values for some of the other critical factors. I've assumed you will retire at age 65, and spend about 75% of your current annual income (adjusted for inflation) each year in retirement. In addition, I've assumed that you plan to withdraw 4% of your retirement portfolio to fund your first year of retirement expenses, and increase that amount by inflation each year thereafter (see "Related Materials" below for more on the 4% withdrawal approach).

What If My Situation is Different??

Even if my assumptions are a little off in your case, they'll likely at least put you in the right ballpark (unless you will have a?pension or Social Security). For a more accurate estimate, and to get a better feel for the impact of some of the variables, I encourage you to enter your own data into?my simple retirement savings calculator/spreadsheet. The big picture will probably remain the same. However, specifics of your situation, such as your expected spending level in retirement, can change some of the details.

Adding Social Security

Having a pension or Social Security makes a big difference. ?We'll deal with that in the next post in this series.

Related Materials:

About Nominal & Real Rates of Return?discusses the difference between the two.
My SIMPLE Retirement Savings Calculator/Spreadsheet?the spreadsheet used to generate these results
Start Retirement With a 4% Withdrawal Rate?A discussion of the 4% withdrawal concept, from Time Magazine.
Start Saving For Retirement When You're Young: Some startling charts showing the difference between starting early and starting later. Note: the results in that chart are slightly different since they are not adjusted for inflation.
Average Stock Market Returns Since 19xx: A review of historical stock market returns for reference
100 Years of Treasury Bond Interest Rate History : A review of historical Treasury bond returns
A Retirement Planning Calculator/Spreadsheet: a more complete retirement planning spreadsheet.
For lists of other popular posts and an index of stock market posts, by subject area, see the sidebar to the left or the blog header at the top of the page.
Copyright ? 2012 Last modified: n/a

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is in need of Motorcycle Sales Exec, Norfolk, Motor Trade Job on Tue, 23 Oct 2012 02:37:53 GMT. Automotive, Motor Trade Job: Motorcycle Sales Executive Required in Norfolk. Salary: £12,000 Basic, OTE £30,000 Full Time, Permanent Motor Trade Jobs / Automotive Vacancies: Automotive Motorcycle Sales Executive Required in Norfolk. If you have a passion for Motorcycles, and want to be the best, this is the perfect job for you! My Client is a Motorcycle Main Dealership in the Norfolk area...

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Motorola Solutions outs HC1 head-mounted computer, keeps ...

No Hands Required: Motorola Solutions Introduces the Next Evolution of Mobile Computing

Revolutionary enterprise-class HC1 headset mobile computer designed to improve productivity and collaboration and increase worker safety on job sites

WASHINGTON, DC ? AUSA Annual Meeting & Exposition (Booth #1239) ? Oct. 22, 2012 ? Motorola Solutions, Inc. (NYSE: MSI), a leading provider of mission-critical communication solutions and services for enterprise and government customers, today unveiled the HC1 headset computer, the first in a new class of Motorola hands-free enterprise mobile computers that leverages advanced voice recognition, head gestures and video streaming to navigate applications that access and view business-critical documents and schematics. The HC1 can be used in harsh environments and most remote locations, where access to complex graphical data or text is needed and using a laptop or handheld device is impractical without obstructing vision.


? Designed for field services and the defense, utilities, telecommunications, aerospace and aviation markets, the HC1 can be used for maintenance, repair, operations/overhaul (MRO) and training and simulation applications that improve inspection time and accuracy, reduce labor rates and increase safety.
o Field technicians responsible for the maintenance and repair of complex machines and vehicles can receive expert assistance almost instantly on-site.
o Military defense forces, special public safety teams and commercial customers can practice simulated events and crisis scenarios and also perform live training with real-time trainer feedback and mission- or business-critical guidance.
o Construction managers, field engineers and architects can access schematics, building plans and maps, and annotate photos or video clips to provide proof of condition or document changes at the point of activity.
? The HC1 headset computer provides hands-free mobile computing leveraging Kopin Corporation's optical micro-display technology platform - providing the user with a view of a 15-inch laptop-size screen.
? In addition to local document access, the HC1, when connected via local Wi-Fi or a Bluetooth? connection to a Motorola MC75A, MC65, ES400 smartphone or mobile hotspot, allows the push and pull of data between the headset computer and remote networks. By pairing the HC1 with a WAN device connected to a remote network, mobile workers can receive mobile gateway access to place voice calls and use GPS data.
? The remote connectivity of the HC1 combined with the use of an optional camera accessory that can transmit pictures or videos enables collaboration between a remote expert and a field-based associate on the job site to resolve issues quickly and efficiently ? reducing travel costs and downtime, while improving worker productivity.
? Motorola's HC1 headset computer is available with the Service from the Start with Comprehensive Coverage program, providing coverage for normal wear and tear and accidental damage to internal and external components, significantly reducing unforeseen repair expenses.


Dr. Andrew G. Cook, senior vice president of Operational Excellence and Innovation, AREVA Inc.

"In the highly demanding and regulated nuclear energy industry, innovation is essential in meeting ever-increasing standards for safety and operational performance for our utility customers. With the Entervise Remote Expert application running on Motorola's HC1 headset computer, we can perform independent quality oversight at nuclear power plants without requiring a second person to enter restricted areas. With the HC1's added camera functionality, our on-site technicians can enlist the support of our experts at the home office in real time to see exactly what is seen in the field and help them resolve conditions quickly and safely. We expect that the HC1 will provide us with measurable gains in productivity and efficiencies that will reduce radiation dose and operating costs."

Girish Rishi, corporate vice president and general manager of Enterprise Mobile Computing, Motorola Solutions

"The HC1 represents a paradigm shift in hands-free mobile computing and is Motorola's first of its kind to be commercially available for industrial use. Offering a more productive hands-free work environment for technical field workers, the HC1 will benefit both businesses and government and public safety organizations."


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Local breast cancer survivor acts as cancer crusader - WAFB 9 ...

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The battle against breast cancer is a fight Juanita Sanford knows all too well.

"I'm only three years out and I was diagnosed by fluke," said Sanford.

Sanford is doing her part to make sure others in her rural community are prepared, visiting seven churches this month alone in the Zachary, Baywood and Clinton areas.

"Well she's been through it and she doesn't want anyone else to go through what she has gone through," said Claudia Fisher.

The churches and venues change week to week for Juanita but her message remains the same, regular tests are the key to early diagnosis and recovery.

"With me it's every six months to get one done," added Sanford.? "I do diagnostics and regular mammograms just be on top of everything and that's my advice to everyone if you're not on top of it, it will get on top of you."

"I think about so many lives that can be saved if they go and get checked," said Shirnell Jackson. "So many people think i can't get it but if you go and get yourself checked out you can definitely save some lives."

That mindset is exactly what Juanita is hoping her neighbors will take home with them, knowing that cancer is a disease that can affect anyone and anywhere.

"I can put a face on breast cancer and I think that's one of the most important things. I know she had breast cancer and this is what she did and I can relate to her," said Sanford.

Copyright 2012 WAFB. All rights reserved.


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Wis. authorities release photo of shooting suspect

BROOKFIELD, Wis. (AP) ? Deputies searched Sunday for a man suspected of wounding multiple people in a shooting at a spa near a suburban Milwaukee shopping mall.

Police released a photograph of the man they identified as Radcliffe Franklin Haughton, 45, of Brown Deer. They said he was still at-large and the public's help was needed in tracking him down.

Brookfield police told WTMJ-AM the shooting happened about 11 a.m. Sunday at a spa across the street from the Brookfield Square Mall. The mall and a country club adjacent to the spa were locked down, local media reported.

Brookfield Police Lt. John Beth said a bomb squad from the Milwaukee County Sheriff's Department was at the spa. He wouldn't say why the unit was there but said it was not routine to have it respond to a shooting.

Spokesmen for the FBI and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said their agencies also had agents participating in the investigation.

Milwaukee FBI spokesman Leonard Peace said his agency sent a SWAT team and hostage negotiators, among others.

Online court records showed a temporary restraining order was issued against Haughton in Milwaukee County Circuit Court on Oct. 8 because of a domestic abuse complaint.

Beth Strohbusch, a spokeswoman for Froedtert Memorial Hospital, said four shooting victims were taken there, and three more were expected. She said none of the four already received were in critical condition.

The shooting took place at Azana Day Spa, a two-story, 9,000-square-foot building across from the mall in a middle- to upper-class community west of Milwaukee.

It was the second mass shooting in Wisconsin this year. Wade Michael Page, a 40-year-old Army veteran and white supremacist, killed six people and injured three others before fatally shooting himself Aug. 5 at a Sikh temple south of Milwaukee.

The shooting at the mall took place less than a mile from where seven people were killed and four wounded on March 12, 2005, when a gunman opened fire at a Living Church of God service held at a hotel.


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Monday, October 22, 2012

Video: Disk galaxies formed gradually, astronomers find from images, computer simulations, and spectra

Video: Disk galaxies formed gradually, astronomers find from images, computer simulations, and spectra

Monday, October 22, 2012

Spectroscopic observations of distant galaxies taken with the 10-meter telescopes at the W. M. Keck Observatory on Hawaii, when combined with images taken by the Hubble Space Telescope plus supercomputer simulations to help interpret the observations, together reveal a major surprise: that a standard assumption about the evolution of galaxies is not correct.

Astronomers had thought that disk galaxies (like our own Milky Way) had largely finished forming by about 8 billion years ago, as indicated by the rates at which stars are formed in the Universe. Therefore, many astronomers have assumed that distant, much younger disk galaxies are not all that different from nearby ones.

The new observations, which discern the motions of the stars and gas inside the distant galaxies, prove that this long-held assumption is wrong. These new data reveal that the motions of gas and stars inside galaxies have been continuously settling down over the last 8 billion years while galaxies slowly assume the familiar flat disk shape of nearby galaxies. This surprising finding is announced in an article titled "The Epoch of Disk Settling: z ~ 1 to Now" by Dr. Susan A. Kassin and 13 collaborators, published in the October 20, 2012, issue of The Astrophysical Journal.

"Today, the majority of local galaxies forming stars are rotating disks, such as our Milky Way or M31 (the Andromeda Galaxy)," explained Kassin, a postdoctoral fellow at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, MD. "Disk galaxies are well ordered: there is a defined plane to the galaxy and most stars and gas revolve in one direction around its center. Very few stars or clouds of gas have non-circular motions."

Many astronomers have long assumed that by an age of about 5 billion years, disk galaxies had come to look nearly the same as they appear today. "It's almost like a mantra," Kassin said. "Many astronomers say that the Hubble sequence is in place by a redshift (which astronomers denote with the letter z) of 1," using astronomical shorthand for two important concepts. The Hubble sequence is a diagram?originally devised by Edwin Hubble in 1926?for classifying the visible shapes of galaxies. Because looking far out into the depths of space is the equivalent of looking back in time to earlier eras in the universe, the redshift z is how astronomers measure both age and distance in the universe; a redshift of z = 1 corresponds to approximately 8 billion years ago, when the universe was only about 5 billion years old.

However, to the surprise of Kassin and her 13 coauthors, the observational evidence suggests something quite different. The internal motions of stars and gas within galaxies back in time are far more disordered, moving every which way rather than neatly revolving around the centers of galaxies. Moreover, they found that the Hubble sequence of well-ordered disk galaxies, used to describe galaxies today, gradually evolved from earlier more chaotic forms over the last 8 billion years. "It is clear the Hubble sequence was not in place at a redshift of 1," Kassin said.

One important key to the discovery was how the 14 collaborators?six from the University of California?selected the galaxies to study. "Sample selection can be quite insidious," co-author Benjamin Weiner of the University of Arizona explained. In past studies of galaxy evolution, researchers typically studied only those galaxies that are recognizably disk-shaped like most galaxies in today's universe, excluding any that are obviously disturbed. But such morphological (shape) criteria can bias the result. In contrast, "we included all galaxies bright enough to give spectra from which the motions inside galaxies could be measured," Weiner explained.

A second important key to the discovery was that past studies only examined the speed at which the stars go around the centers of galaxies. "In addition to rotation speed, we also measure the disordered motions in galaxies," Kassin explained. They did this by examining the galaxies' spectra. A galaxy's spectrum is the rainbow of colors produced when the light from a galaxy is dispersed by a prism or grating at the focus of a telescope; the spectrum may include bright lines at wavelengths where light is emitted and dark lines where light is absorbed. The presence, brightness, position, tilt, and shape of the bright emission lines in the rainbow spectrum yield key information about the motions of the gas inside a galaxy, as well as the galaxy's distance.

A third important key to the discovery was the large number of galaxies the coauthors studied, which yielded good statistical correlations. To test that they were observing what they thought they were, the collaborators performed mock observations on computer-simulated images of merging disk galaxies in various stages of disorder and at various distances. "We followed exactly the same procedures of spectral measurements as with observations of real galaxies," explained collaborator Joel Primack of the University of California, Santa Cruz . "This allowed us to measure the extent to which effects such as the observed sizes of galaxies and the blurring effects of the Earth's atmosphere play in the observations."

"We are learning that galaxies today are like young adults," said Kassin. "Many of them had exciting youths marked by intense interactions with other galaxies, with a lot of growth spurts in mass, new stars, and heavy elements. But that chaotic growth has been slowing down as galaxies mature, and they become more organized and calmer inside."


Links to the paper in The Astrophysical Journal are (as published) and (PDF of the full paper is at ).

University of California High-Performance AstroComputing Center:

Thanks to University of California High-Performance AstroComputing Center for this article.

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89 comments - Oh No They Didn't! - LiveJournal


Last week, in this space, I broke the law. Technically, I could be prosecuted. Technically, my only hope is that Rowan Atkinson can get the law changed before a gloved hand knocks at my door.

My column about Elementary was one of the most-read articles on the Comment Is Free website for days. What an accolade, the casual observer might think. After all, we live in a serious world. Some girl's unenthusiasm for a TV series in which Sherlock Holmes is a New York junkie and Doctor Watson is a sexy lady from Charlie's Angels is not a serious matter. If thousands of web-surfers are poring over that column, what a tremendously entertaining piece it must be.

But no. It was not my creative writing that fascinated people, but my racism. And as a little sweetener, like sprinkles on an ice cream, my sexism. Ideologically, I am the new Bernard Manning. (Unfortunately, the resemblance doesn't end there.)

Many of the messages I've since received on Twitter have been accompanied by the hashtags #racist and #sexist and, in one charming case, #youdumbbitch. This is why I read with particular interest about Rowan Atkinson's launch of the Reform Section 5 campaign, to repeal that part of the Public Order Act that makes it a crime to use "abusive or insulting" words within earshot (or eyeshot) of anyone likely to be offended by them. I would quite like this section to be reformed, in time for me to swerve jail.

The sexism charge was nuanced; some believe that Lucy Liu's casting as "Doctor Joan Watson" is a positive step for women in Hollywood; I do not, and those who disagree think I must therefore be a misogynist. Fine; give me a couple of hours round a pub table and I'll have that debate with pleasure.

But the racism charge was based on the following two paragraphs, which appeared about halfway through my column:

"Lucy Liu [told] the Times, 'It was a very big deal for me to play an Asian-American in Charlie's Angels; Watson's ethnicity is also a big deal', as if someone had bet her ?100 that she couldn't cause at least three Conan Doyle fans to suffer a pulmonary embolism.

"Personally, I'd like to press Liu's face into a bowl of cold pea soup for that statement. It's not just her failure to distinguish between creating a new character and mangling a beloved old one (Tread softly! You tread on my dreams!), but the triumphant tone over such an appalling and offensive racial change. Let me be clear: I rather like the idea of an Asian Watson, but American? God save us all."

Now, I think it's fairly obvious that this is a silly joke about Americans, as imagined by a tweedy old fan of Victorian literature. It is not a difficult joke to spot. It's a standard structure: set up an expectation based on one half of a sentence (or, in this case, word), then say something based on the other half. As in: "My boyfriend's got a dog. I'm revolted by the hairiness and the smell. But I like his dog."

My furious online correspondents, however, reacted as though the last two sentences simply weren't there, managing somehow to take those lines as a statement of anti-Asian feeling. If I were more famous, the Daily Mail would have reported the complaints under the headline "COREN IN RACE ROW" and I would have been marked down forever as that woman who used to host a quiz show until her hatred of Asians was revealed and she was forced into hiding forever.

As it is, I will be remembered as a racist only by those too daft to get my silly joke, and those who saw the damning internet blogs that failed to quote exactly what I'd said.

Nevertheless, those people were genuinely offended. Some may be quite stupid ("How can you defend the BBC's male-dominated, all-white Sherlock?" asked one angry lady, the answer to which is so obvious that I couldn't be bothered to type it) ? but I deliberately allowed readers to believe for two seconds that I was about to make an anti-Asian statement, in the full knowledge that some people are stupid and that even so familiar and simple a comic U-turn might be too much for them. Technically, and illegally, I invited offence.

Last week, a caller to the Jeremy Vine show on Radio 2 said that Andrew Mitchell should be jailed for swearing at the police because "there is too little respect for them".

As someone who remembers from childhood the timid, furtive voices of east European cousins on the phone ? those few who had survived the concentration camps ? who dared not speak freely from behind the Iron Curtain because they feared being tapped and followed, I am extremely offended by the suggestion that my own beautiful British society should become a police state, in which rudeness to these authority figures is punished by incarceration. But do I think the caller should be jailed for offending me? No, I think there should be no such thing as a speech crime. However foul a thing you want to say, you can say it freely as far as I'm concerned. And I'm including the skinheads who shouted "Yid" at me during my grandfather's funeral.

Yet, even if you believe that offensive remarks should be proscribed by law, what about remarks that are misunderstood as offensive? It's nigh impossible to speak without any risk of misinterpretation, especially when mobs are out there looking to be outraged.

You don't have to support the campaign to reform Section 5. But one day, your teasing dig in a colleague's leaving card will be taken the wrong way; or your mobile phone comment will be misheard by passers-by in a crowded street; and then they will come for you.</blockquote>



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NASA sees 18th Atlantic depression form

NASA sees 18th Atlantic depression form [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Oct-2012
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Contact: Rob Gutro
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Tropical Depression 18 (TD18) formed over the southwestern Caribbean Sea at 11 a.m. EDT on Oct. 22, and NASA's TRMM satellite saw a "hot towering" thunderstorm near its center of circulation hinting that it could become a tropical storm soon. A tropical storm watch has been issued for Jamaica.

When NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite flew over the developing TD18 early on Oct. 22 at 0040 UTC (Oct. 21 at 8:40 p.m. EDT), the satellite measured rainfall rates within the low pressure area and measured cloud heights of the thunderstorms that make up the low.

TRMM noticed that the developing depression had a "hot towering" thunderstorm over 9.3 miles (15 kilometers) high. That same area also revealed heavy rainfall where rain was falling at 2 inches/50 mm per hour. Hot Towers are towering clouds that emit a tremendous amount of latent heat (that's why they're called "hot" towers). NASA research indicates that whenever a hot tower is spotted, a tropical cyclone will likely intensify within 6 or more hours, and the low pressure system intensified into a tropical depression.

Satellite data also showed that the depression also has a closed surface circulation and the banding of thunderstorms around the center has increased during the early morning hours on Oct. 22. These are all signs that the depression is getting more organized.

At 11 a.m. EDT, TD18 had maximum sustained winds near 30 mph (45 kph). It was located near 13.5 North latitude and 78.0 West longitude, about 320 miles (515 km) south-southwest of Kingston, Jamaica. TD18 was moving to the southwest at 5 mph 7 kph) and had a minimum central pressure of 1003 millibars.

The National Hurricane Center (NHC) noted that a tropical storm warning could be needed later in the day on Monday, Oct. 22 for Jamaica. Also, interests in eastern Cuba, Hispaniola, and the Bahamas should monitor the progress of this system. According to NHC, the depression is expected to drift westward and the turn to the north-northeast on Oct. 23 and 24. The forecast track takes TD18's center near Jamaica during the night-time hours on Oct. 23.

Tropical Depression 18 was born from the low pressure area formerly known as System 99L. The NHC expects TD18 to strengthen and become a tropical storm later on Oct. 22 or on Oct. 23. Once the depression becomes a tropical storm it would be renamed "Tropical Storm Sandy."

In addition to the new tropical depression, there's another area that forecasters are watching in the Atlantic. System 90L is producing showers and thunderstorms in the central Atlantic about 700 miles east-northeast of the Leeward Islands. During the morning hours of Oct. 22, the showers had become a little better organized, and the NHC gives the low a 50 percent chance of becoming the nineteenth tropical depression of the Atlantic hurricane season.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.

NASA sees 18th Atlantic depression form [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 22-Oct-2012
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Contact: Rob Gutro
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

Tropical Depression 18 (TD18) formed over the southwestern Caribbean Sea at 11 a.m. EDT on Oct. 22, and NASA's TRMM satellite saw a "hot towering" thunderstorm near its center of circulation hinting that it could become a tropical storm soon. A tropical storm watch has been issued for Jamaica.

When NASA's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite flew over the developing TD18 early on Oct. 22 at 0040 UTC (Oct. 21 at 8:40 p.m. EDT), the satellite measured rainfall rates within the low pressure area and measured cloud heights of the thunderstorms that make up the low.

TRMM noticed that the developing depression had a "hot towering" thunderstorm over 9.3 miles (15 kilometers) high. That same area also revealed heavy rainfall where rain was falling at 2 inches/50 mm per hour. Hot Towers are towering clouds that emit a tremendous amount of latent heat (that's why they're called "hot" towers). NASA research indicates that whenever a hot tower is spotted, a tropical cyclone will likely intensify within 6 or more hours, and the low pressure system intensified into a tropical depression.

Satellite data also showed that the depression also has a closed surface circulation and the banding of thunderstorms around the center has increased during the early morning hours on Oct. 22. These are all signs that the depression is getting more organized.

At 11 a.m. EDT, TD18 had maximum sustained winds near 30 mph (45 kph). It was located near 13.5 North latitude and 78.0 West longitude, about 320 miles (515 km) south-southwest of Kingston, Jamaica. TD18 was moving to the southwest at 5 mph 7 kph) and had a minimum central pressure of 1003 millibars.

The National Hurricane Center (NHC) noted that a tropical storm warning could be needed later in the day on Monday, Oct. 22 for Jamaica. Also, interests in eastern Cuba, Hispaniola, and the Bahamas should monitor the progress of this system. According to NHC, the depression is expected to drift westward and the turn to the north-northeast on Oct. 23 and 24. The forecast track takes TD18's center near Jamaica during the night-time hours on Oct. 23.

Tropical Depression 18 was born from the low pressure area formerly known as System 99L. The NHC expects TD18 to strengthen and become a tropical storm later on Oct. 22 or on Oct. 23. Once the depression becomes a tropical storm it would be renamed "Tropical Storm Sandy."

In addition to the new tropical depression, there's another area that forecasters are watching in the Atlantic. System 90L is producing showers and thunderstorms in the central Atlantic about 700 miles east-northeast of the Leeward Islands. During the morning hours of Oct. 22, the showers had become a little better organized, and the NHC gives the low a 50 percent chance of becoming the nineteenth tropical depression of the Atlantic hurricane season.


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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Bloody Eyeballs ~ a Raw and Vegan Recipe for ... - Raw on $10 a Day

serves 2 ~ $.33 per serving


  • juice of one lime ($.60)
  • stevia or date water to taste
  • 4 grapes ($.05)?
  • 2 tablespoons beet juice
Who doesn't like to start their celebration with some bloody eyeballs?

In glasses suitable for eyeballs, mix the lime juice and agave. Add enough water to fill. Peel the grapes so a round bit of skin is left as an iris. Skewer eyeballs firmly (ouch!) on toothpicks and place in glass. Spoon on a bit of beet blood for a finishing touch.


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If you want a ?workout program? to ?build muscle? like a pro athlete then you have to train like a pro athlete. Now you can. Celebrity fitness trainer Jeff Cavaliere shows you how to build lean muscle and get ripped like the elite professional athletes he trains.

The AthLEAN-X Training System gives you the most cutting edge ab workouts, bicep building workouts, chest chiseling workouts, tricep and arm workouts, leg workouts and shoulder workouts and rolls them all into one unique 90 day program.

You don?t have to guess anymore HOW it?s done. You just have to follow along as you get to receive the same access to these physique defining and ab etching workouts that Jeff?s top clients get.?

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Boosting grass roots sport in Canberra | Katy Gallagher

Canberrans are the most active people in Australia, with more than 90 per cent of residents regularly participating in some form of sport or physical activity.

ACT Labor is committed to delivering high quality sports facilities to meet the demands of our activity community.

That is why the ACT Labor Government has been delivering better sport and recreation areas ? to provide for those already participating and encourage other Canberrans to take up the opportunity to have a more active lifestyle.

We have worked with the sporting community to develop the Active 2020 framework, to look strategically at the provision of active recreation throughout the Territory over the next decade.

We are upgrading sports grounds at Lyneham, Charnwood, Dickson, Isabella Plains, Watson, Weetangera and Bonython.

We?ve built a new archery and multi-use facility in Greenway, started construction of an aquatic facility at Gungahlin and helped install a new synthetic hockey pitch in Tuggeranong.

And over the last four years we have delivered over $8.5 million to local sports clubs and organisations through the sport and recreation grants program.

But there is more to do.

If re-elected in 2012, ACT Labor will deliver an additional $2 million for upgrades to community sports facilities through our sports grants program, and will increase maintenance to help keep our sports grounds the best in Australia.


Policy costings

ACT Labor will provide $2.0 million over four years to provide grants to local sporting organisations to upgrade and maintain their facilities.

ACT Labor will also provide around $400,000 each year for three extra maintenance staff to maintain and improve our local sporting facilities.






Sports grants ?recurrent






Maintenance ? recurrent













In addition, Sport and Recreation ACT will also undertake an audit of sporting and recreation facilities in the ACT. This will help the Government to plan for and provide new and upgraded sporting facilities right across Canberra.

How will this investment improve sport and recreation facilities?


The grants will provide a structured mechanism to support sports such as hockey, gymnastics, tennis, netball, basketball and lawn bowls to upgrade their facilities,?and assist them to meet ongoing replacement, maintenance and repair costs.

This recognises the vital role that these facilities provide, and ensures sports that don?t use ACT Government-owned facilities have the opportunity to access funding to make important improvements.

This will also ensure clubs will not have to pass on the full cost of these improvements on to their members through registration and playing fees, making it cheaper to participate in these sports.

The funding will be split over four years, and will be a component of the Sport and Recreation Grants Program.

The extra maintenance and repair officers will work within Sport and Recreation ACT to provide extra capacity to undertake improvements to the quality of sports facilities. This includes fixing irrigation, lighting and restoring playing surfaces.

These grants and maintenance commitments recognise the need for quality sports facilities across Canberra. ACT Labor is committed to providing better quality facilities, to make them safer, more user-friendly and encourage increased participation.

16 October 2012

This entry was posted in Community, Election Policies. Bookmark the permalink.


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Islam on the rise in Haiti : News Headlines - Catholic Culture

CWN - October 16, 2012

Islam has spread in Haiti since the 2010 earthquake, in part because of organized relief efforts and in part because of the return of Muslim ?migr?s, according to the Associated Press.

?After the earthquake, we had a lot of people join," said an imam in Port-au-Prince. ?We were organized. We had space in the mosques to receive people and food to feed them?

?A capital where church attendance is so prevalent that the streets echo with Christian hymns on Sundays now has at least five mosques, a Muslim parliament member and a nightly TV program devoted to Islam,? AP reports.

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